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Everything posted by etcswjoe

  1. I have a few of these but do not have the need to use them very often.
  2. Cougar, How is your Buckeye stator and regulator working out? My regulator went out last week and its just over a year old?
  3. A beautiful, high-quality yet low-sulphur variety of coal!
  4. That is close to what I thought it was, I thought is was the day when all the kids were fighting (boxing) over the others toy's.
  5. Kevin, Another member had a similiar issue here is the thread. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/archive/index.php/t-75491.html
  6. Cool:thumbsup2:
  7. The Hazards over ride the turn signals so if the turn signals are working correctly without the flashers on don't worry about that part of the circuit. Which relay did you replace there are two for the Hazards? I sent up the signal system drawing via e-mail. If you replaced the main hazard relay (the one with 6 wires) check the dark green wire coming out of the realy to see if you have power there when your emergency flashers are on (depending on the meter you may not read a full twelve volts), if you do and you replaced the relay the contact in the socket is probally bad. If you do have power than you problem is from there to the lights.
  8. I have had mine 2 years and have used it maybe half a dozen times, it's a neat toy but if I had to do it over again I would not have bought it. As for mounting I have mine on the handle bars and it's a little unsteady but I have seen several good videos taken form ones mounted to the helmets and the stick on mounts adhere very well.
  9. This one? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hydraulic-GROUND-LEVEL-FLAT-LOADING-Motorcycle-Trike-Trailer-Loader-/181287460372
  10. I hope everyone has a great Festivus and a Merry and Blessed Christmas.
  11. Thanks for posting, maybe it will be a lesson for someone to take away with and hopefully y'all learned yours. I will say I do miss being young and stupid at times well I still have the last part sometime. Hope all works out and you have a merry Christmas despite all that happened.
  12. Give this place a call Way Out West The Souths Largest Selection of Quality Boots!! 43370 Highway 27, Davenport, FL 33837 Email this business (863) 424-1844
  13. Thanks for sharing Merry Christmas and God bless you and yours.
  14. Others may think different but it's not losing the one percent that really matters it's the fact that there are so many other wasteful programs that should have been cut first. I would gladly give up part of my retirment if it would actually help anything but untill these other programs have been cut I see no point and as for you other questions I think it has been covered several times without going into very personal and gory details already. Merry Christmas and God bless you and yours.
  15. Your video makes me think I should change my user name.
  16. I think Flag officers do not remember where they came from. I think his position is wrong but I too have to admire his courage to stick with it, too many people now will apologize for their beliefs just to be liked again. I also have to applaud all those that have commented and kept this thread a little heated but otherwise civilized. May everyone have a truly blessed Christmas.
  17. I fixed the link and yes it is for someone who retires today, much more than I get also.
  18. After taxes an E-6 with 20 years of service gets 14,820 a year in retainer. http://militarypay.defense.gov/mpcalcs/Calculators/FinalPayHigh3.aspx?calcType=final
  19. So what you are saying is after I went through all this stuff I was stupid for staying in? I do think more get out than stay in, I believe only 15 to 17 percent retire but without those that stay in till 20 or more you would never have any senior enlisted and the knowledge base that goes with it. As for the pension I wish I got more it's nowhere near enough to live off of but we knew that when we signed up. Also most of the stuff I mentioned still goes on in peace time, because deployments still happen, troops are forward deployed and there is always somewhere that the US sends the military into.
  20. http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8086/8362977501_6ed3777fa4_c.jpg
  21. We usally do not have an issue with people parking in the actuall spaces but we do have an issue with bikes parking in the blue stripped area that is supposed to be kept clear for van access. Did not know about the app will have to check it out, thanks. In SC they are now putting your picture on the placard.
  22. I forgot I did read the article in the link and for the most part the facts are there but not all of them are correct. One thing I do like is the idea of a retirment for all veterans as long as it does not give any of them the shaft. It is true most of us can absorb a 1% loss and I would be all for it if other programs that support those that are here illegally or just have no desire to work and can don't were cut first. In addition Flag officers have a tendency to forget where they came from when it comes to these kind of issues.
  23. For those that served or want to know what Navy life is like. http://bluejacket.com/humor_navy-life.htm
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