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Everything posted by etcswjoe

  1. I have pulled one of those before and it is a pretty good little trailer.
  2. If you are just talking about taking the box from under the trunk and the antenna off, the radio and intercom will still work. You will need to leave the controller on the handlebar.
  3. In our thoughts and prayers
  4. I am still trying to figure out how to take one pill three times a day.
  5. Welcome Back!!
  6. In our thoughts and prayers.
  7. ...and you are still working for the Navy.
  8. I went to Weather Equipment Maintenance School at Chanute boy was it cold, It was interesting being a sailor on an Air Force base.
  9. Suitecase??? We were not allowed to bring anything except ourselves.
  10. I went to the MEPS station in Bekely WV and I still remeber that day, I don't think I will ever forget this big kid that punched out the Doc. They had us all lined up in our skivvies to do the hernia test and as soon as that doc touched this kid he went flying backwards. The young man left there screaming that he was not going to join any outfit that did such things (I cleaned up what he actually said.) Never did see him again.
  11. I have not seen a change in speed myself.
  12. Scarey part is someone was paid to do these.
  13. It is showing in Charleston on the 27th if anyone wants to go.
  14. I wonder if you could place another switch to your kickstand so when it's down it interupts the relay power to your lights? That would be one way to make sure you do not leave them on and still be powered directly from the battery.
  15. In our prayers.
  16. When I lived in Key West I thought it was funny people walking around with coats and sweaters still wearing shorts.
  17. Between the the 2 Ventures about 18k was down with health issues for a couple months but hope to do better this year
  18. Cool
  19. I was thinking about the Pirelli's myself but to only get 6K out of them I will have to say no. The only time I ever noticed the shimmy you described is with a loose head bearing.
  20. If you do not carry insurance you have to establish finicial responsibility and In my opnion it's cheaper to have insurance. http://www.dmv.org/fl-florida/insurance/motorcycle-insurance-minimum-requirements.php Progressive is around 100 a year in Jacksonville for liability only.
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