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Everything posted by etcswjoe

  1. This one is close. http://www.laserpenshop.com/High-Powered-Lasers/lbl058s.html
  2. I came close to buying one but waitied too long and the bike was sold. Let us know how it does on long runs.
  3. Buckeye said send it back to them and they are going to have it factory tested to see if they can help pinpoint the cause also in 4 years of selling this model mine have been the only ones to fail.
  4. I can't belive this thread went so long
  5. Anything else go out or just the lights?
  6. I will deffintly give buckeye a call and see what he has to say, I had mounted the new one to the same place as the OEM one and considering the temps i was riding in I do not belive overheating should have been an issue when it failed. I found this on e-bay for the SHINDENGEN R/R and may give that a try. http://www.ebay.com/itm/SHINDENGEN-MOSFET-FH020AA-REGULATOR-RECTIFIER-KIT-REPLACES-FH012AA-/380704480069 The stator measures good and puts out good voltage but I will not discount it just yet.
  7. Well go get his picture
  8. Here are a couple pics of the R/R, I put an ammeter on my bike and another RSV and the current draw was almost identical on both bikes.
  9. Saw this yesterday and got a kick out of it. http://beantownbaggers.net/2014/03/31/harley-davidson-acquired-by-japanese-owned-kawasaki-motor-company-ltd/
  10. I am not sure the brand I ordered it from Buckeye under the claims that it was matched to the HO stator.
  11. I ride so I don't go any crazier than I already am.
  12. Morning, I replaced the stator two years ago with the high output one from Buckeye Performance and I bought the HO regulator to go along with it, I replaced the battery at the same time and it holds charge very well so I had really not considered the battery as the culprit. The only accersiory I am running right now is my GPS so I would not think I should be overloading the system. I will I have checked the connections and the wires numerous times but that does not mean I did not miss something. I will check the current draw tonight and see what it is.
  13. Sounds like a good idea to me.
  14. We were getting ready to head out Friday to go to GA and my 99 RSV started overgharging again. I have went through 3 R/Rs and I can not find any thing grounded, connectivitiy to the plug is good, the stator is putting out well, I went through the T/S for the stator several times and it shows good each time. No burnt or damaged pins on the plug. The R/R seems to last a couple hundred miles doing just fine then all of the sudden starts overcharging. My ignition switch went bad right before Vogel, I have it by passed and I have an aftermarket fuel pump but other than those two things everything else is in the original configuration. I am going to order a new switch today and put it in but if anyone has anything else for me to check or any ideas at all I would much appricate it.
  15. I might have to break out my telescope and get some pics. That one looks fairly similar to mine and here are a couple pics I took a few years back. The telescope itself runs around 300 but he does have a few extras that he bought separately.
  16. I use it to stick my MP3 player in, works real well.
  17. Received another one of these today and even after I told the guy I knew it was a scam he was still insistent.
  18. Bought mine from the auto parts store also real cheap.
  19. Bad ignition switch.
  20. etcswjoe

    last day

    Wish you the best!!
  21. I first saw this headline and had to do a double take. Owner of Bushy Park industrial park near Goose Creek sold to Pacolet Milliken http://www.postandcourier.com/article/20140318/PC05/140319379/1010/owner-of-bushy-park-industrial-park-near-goose-creek-sold-to-pacolet-milliken
  22. Congrats, now we know who is buying on the 29th
  23. Well that stinks.
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