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Everything posted by etcswjoe

  1. I will be in Virginia but I could send my inlaws as proxy.
  2. Please also remember to take time to remember those that went before us.
  3. Since that is the only lead that is bad the toggle switch should work just remember to turn it off each time. I also like DJH3's fix
  4. It's Part #6 in the link: http://www.partzilla.com/parts/search/Yamaha/Motorcycle/2006/ROYAL+STAR+MIDNIGHT+VENTURE+-+XVZ13TFMV/ELECTRICAL+1/parts.html I would jumper them on the switch side of the connector, Connecting a wire across both wires before the plug would probably be the easiest if you are comfortable doing it. I have also took jumper leads and connected Red,Brown/Black,Brown/Blue together and Blue/Yellow,Blue/Black together on the wiring harness side just for a test to verify a bad switch.
  5. The Blue/Black feeds the ignitor unit, so I am inclined to say your switch is bad it's not the tumbler that is causing the loss of contact. If you feel comfortable with it you could jumper those two wires and see if it will start or once you get a good reading plug it back up and see if it will start. A new switch is around $180 or you can do the bypass mentioned before. 2nd opinions?
  6. Attached it the switch test, looks like I need to take mine apart and clean it before it goes bad.
  7. YSS has one fairly reasonable but I think it is rebuildable, Don put one on his bike before he sold it to Yammer Dan. Klaus Huenecke EPM Performance Imports Email: info@epmperf.com Phone/ Fax: 732-786-9777 http://www.epmperf.com
  8. Cool, How much are you going to sell them for?
  9. When I was growing up we would take VW bugs cut them pretty much in half weld part of a bike frame to them and instant trike. An example I found. https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3197/2873344860_9fbfdbe078.jpg
  10. I used mine on a trip and I found it pretty much useless.
  11. That is the fix for the switch if you do not want to buy a new one. When my switch went bad the bike would crank but not fire is why I jumped on the switch first and it is fairly easy to check. If you like I can take pics tomorrow after work of the checks.
  12. With switch on Red, Brown/Black and Brown/Blue should be shorted together also Blue/Yellow and Blue/Black should be shorted together. In ACC Red and Brown/Black should be shorted. Check the connections going to the switch for burning/melting.
  13. I will see what I can figure out. Have you checked the ignition switch?
  14. Wishing you a quick recovery.
  15. The fuel sender and thermistor should have nothing to do with it not starting, I have had mine off several times and it still runs just fine.
  16. You have to make a platform for the tank to slide into your trailer hitch and if you use quick connects you can mount the tank in your trailer when you need to tow it. The real issue is current draw the compressor can draw up to 26 Amps but you can use a lower rated compressor just takes longer to fill. Make sure the horns are pointed away from you!!! You could replace the tank with a smaller chrome one: http://xwad7.dvw4p.servertrust.com/product_p/the-tank-03-stl.htm
  17. There are several great places to camp out along the Gulf. Do you have a particular area in mind? I am partial to those in Mississippi and Alabama.
  18. Tom, Sound interesting. Do you have a specific route planned out yet? I might ride up with you depending on when you leave.
  19. I just made my reservations at the campground, I think the discount code must just be for the lodge the girl did not know anything about it. She put Ventureriders in the note but was not familiar with the group. Still need to send in the registration forms, I did fill it in and print it.
  20. Like the old saying goes you can't have Kate and Edith too.
  21. . Just let the air out of the tires.
  22. Was good to see everyone. http://s760.photobucket.com/user/etcswjoe/library/Bike%20Rides/Myrtle%20Beach%20MAy%2014
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