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Everything posted by etcswjoe

  1. Now we have a place to stay in middle Tennessee.
  2. In our thoughts and prayers.
  3. If this flies how aboutYou your bike and a recruiting station in honor those that lost their lives in TN
  4. Have two more coming they should be sending you their registrations forms this week.
  5. Had a Cat Scan last March and an MRI the June before, doctor said they did not find anything.
  6. Plus I got the military discount so it was $264
  7. It's going to be really hard to pull behind the bike.
  8. I turned the VOX off on mine, he may want to download the latest software off the website and see if that helps as for the CB I had two modules go bad on mine so that may be the issue with the CB. Check the connections under the tour pack especially if he has a detachable one.
  9. I have finally started going through my 500GB of videos that I have shot over the last couple of years and most are crap but every once in awhile I find one worth sharing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8ZBkzFSmSo&feature=youtu.be @cowpuc
  10. I mounted my GoPro to the rear luggage rack during International last year but left it on wide view so I did not get the good shots you did. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cfa0wBIXgpc&feature=youtu.be
  11. Come over to McLeods for lunch or we can drop by on the way back and say hey
  12. Tempting.
  13. A mounted voltmeter is how I figured mine out.
  14. I just had this issue and it turned out to be the regulator connector.
  15. Thanks will give them a look
  16. Cycle Gear has the DualSet SMH10 on sale for 299 is that a good price?
  17. Voltage
  18. Toyota uses the same type of shims so you may check with them, my local Yamaha dealer exchanges shims so yours may also.
  19. I used a speed bleeder with a built in wrench I think it cost around $20 but sure makes bleeding the clutch and brakes much simpler. https://www.denniskirk.com/motion-pro/mini-bleeder-08-0482.p283547.prd/283547.sku
  20. fifty
  21. Oil
  22. den6vel?
  23. CODE
  24. Here you go. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=100171&d=1434987552
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