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Everything posted by etcswjoe

  1. Believe it or not they are for flying squirrels. http://www.fws.gov/asheville/htmls/podcast_transcripts/Cherohala_skyway.html http://www.gainesville.com/article/20141005/COLUMNISTS/141009896?p=2&tc=pg
  2. There is another way to drink bottled water??
  3. If you get the risers you will need new cables and brake lines also.
  4. I was thinking today and maybe this is why Harley riders trailer their bike everywhere, they are tired of riding but still want to hang out with their friends.
  5. My Timex says Feb 5, but it has not been wound in over 20 years.
  6. I gave up owning a bike for 10 years and was happy with the decision, however I put more miles on my brothers and friends bikes than they did during that time. Had a M&E with several rides and one of the members summed it up real well, they liked the rides but really enjoyed the socializing. So whether you keep riding or not don't become a stranger.
  7. Started helping on a beer truck when I was 13, did not pay really well but kept gas in my 1974 Yamaha DT125A. Joined the Navy when I was 17. http://s760.photobucket.com/user/etcswjoe/media/Linked/407774_4147611451333_1794789152_n_zpsis1kr2yq.jpg.html
  8. We had an empty grocery store in town for several years and someone was always breaking in and doing something stupid, meth labs, stealing copper, people living in it building campfires and many other things the cops showed up for.
  9. My pet peeve is people posting classified ads in the wrong place.
  10. Glad you are ok, don't let them skimp on the bike.
  11. The power of duct tape is only limited by ones own imagination.
  12. So, what's the verdict after your Saturday Ride?
  13. HAte to hear you had issues but glad you made it home.
  14. "C" is California model, more emissions crap. http://morse-code.eu/m/eJxjZJCTYwjJSFVQclZSyCxWSMsvUigBcp0TczKB7LzMRIXc_JTUHAUA2rEMMw==
  15. I am not loaded, I hardly drank anything at Vogel.
  16. Thanks for all the effort, you sure made some good stuff.
  17. Welcome back!! I need to get a new shock myself just hate letting loose the cash.
  18. Partzilla has it for 154.
  19. Couple More https://youtu.be/e1Tz96dGqSw http://youtu.be/lASRe5fEdj8 http://youtu.be/mhQ7V8TEyvY
  20. May have to rethink my trailer packing but I think I found the tent I need. http://www.barebonesliving.com/p/4/Safari-Tent
  21. Chimney Rock is a short ride
  22. Not to happy with the way the videos turned out but here are a couple of us following Cowboy. https://youtu.be/CUNVgbcBDZM http://youtu.be/jH3VpEau-eo
  23. http://s760.photobucket.com/user/etcswjoe/media/Bike%20Rides/Vogel%202015/Woody%20Trike_zps4eo8j763.jpg.html
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