Glad y'all made it out. You should have stopped by Charleston we could have done some kayaking.
Her is another option you could consider.
I am no guru but the replacement motor would be my suggestion also, pinwall has three of them right now. here is an 07 for 899
I have been going to the main page and directly to the forum, from work, the gym, home, doctors office on my tablet, laptop, desktop, and phone with no loading issues.
Turned out their website and Cycle trader were wrong it was not a Royal Star Venture but a Roadstar, I should have know nobody was going to sell a 2007 RSV for 4 grand but I had to check.
I should have been more specific, the bike is an 07 RSV, dealer says its in awesome condition but I will have to verify before I commit. Figure if I can't get someone to look at it for me I may have to play hooky tomorrow and go see myself it is only a 3 hour ride for me.
Harley of Charlotte has a 2007 with 26K miles on it for a good price but before I tell the guy I will take it I was wondering if someone could go over and take a look at it for me?
left out it is a Venture not a Harley