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Everything posted by etcswjoe

  1. Check out this post about a Fl meet and eat. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?106954-Oh-Florida-anyone-up-foe-a-meet-amp-Eat/page6&highlight=barrycuda
  2. I have duct tape holding my hip in place. Dose that count? http://i760.photobucket.com/albums/xx248/etcswjoe/Linked/IMAG0011_zpsdr0vqypm.jpg
  3. There are a bunch in Florida, it is about time for them to start bragging about no snow.
  4. Instead of doing a painting of an RSV, I think she should use an RSV as her canvas, I think she could make one really stand out .
  5. Scott, I got your message, but Santa is going a different route this year.
  6. Nice ride, seems more folks are going to other bikes so no need to go anywhere else.
  7. I have heard you have to watch out for bikers. Sounds like you showed great restraint, hope all works out.
  8. I miss snow, saw this on my brother's nephew's Facebook page and made me miss the mountains of home. Whitetop Mountain in Southwest Va this weekend.
  9. Would be nice, I really liked that about the 83 I had too. Here is a better pic with the trunk removed. http://i760.photobucket.com/albums/xx248/etcswjoe/Bike%20Rides/Rides%20A-Z/IMG_6144_zps2db1d121.jpg
  10. Would be nice I really liked that abut the 83 I had too. Here is a better pic with the trunk removed. http://i760.photobucket.com/albums/xx248/etcswjoe/Bike%20Rides/Rides%20A-Z/IMG_6144_zps2db1d121.jpg
  11. Two of the three burnt out on me while I was riding in a group of slow moving bikes for an extended period of time so I am assuming that there was not enough air flow to the light. It has a fan that sticks out behind the bucket by a few inches supposedly to keep it cool, reading some of the most recent reviews it is not limited to the Venture.
  12. Update on this product, replaced 3 in a year under warranty, seems they get too hot behind the fairing and burn out quick.
  13. YOu can get a tour deluxe rear fender and get rid of the passenger seat altogether also. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=74099&d=1361197947
  14. You can take them off but they are bolted on so it takes about a little effort to remove them.
  15. Dan, Vent all you want from one Vet to another I am with you.
  16. So what did you decide?
  17. We have had Dish for 16 years and have had no major issues and great customer service, however I am tired of paying for stuff I do not watch so I am getting ready to drop it and go strictly over the air and streaming. If you go Dish, tell them one of these folks referred you and both of you will get $50 bucks.
  18. Bobbi and I got up bright and early yesterday morning and rode in Charleston's Veterans day parade, we had 59 bikes with all the state and services flags flying. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZldPnLimbw
  19. We missed you at Vogel, seems like you are having fun.
  20. Helmet seems to work the best for me, however you get the windshield in all your videos, I have also used the suction cup and it works, I tether it too just in case. You can see the differences in my videos https://www.youtube.com/user/josephapatrick/videos?shelf_id=0&sort=dd&view=0
  21. If it is nice the 14th meet me in around Florence we can switch bikes and make a day of it. Have not seen y'all in a while would be nice to catch up.
  22. When we going?
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