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Everything posted by etcswjoe

  1. Discussing types of BBQ is almost as controversial as oil and tires
  2. I borrowed one and the lugs are a little small for the wires so I ended up using pliers to finish it.
  3. Rode through there this weekend, will have to check them out next time, sounds like a good place to have a M&E at. We must have caught this place on a bad day, will have to try it again
  4. I think I got it on sale and Rick's gave me a big break on the replacement one. Be careful when you crimp the pins that is what I messed up on.
  5. Len's tape is clear and colored tape you use to temporaly repair a taillight on a vehicle, most auto parts stores have red, amber and clear but you can get other colors. Here is a link to a place on amazon that sells them http://www.amazon.com/Headlights-Lights-Vinyl-Adhesive-Frozen/dp/B00CCSD92O/ref=sr_1_6?s=automotive&ie=UTF8&qid=1456314978&sr=1-6&keywords=spray+tint, you could also try spray tint.
  6. Thanks for the info, I just bought two connectors one directly from Rick's motorsports after I screwed up the one I bought from Dennis Kirk.
  7. Macon is not that far of a ride from SC either.
  8. You can see it here waiting to pounce.
  9. Was not bad in SC over the weekend, did not get as warm as expected but we did get to celebrate @Skid 's birthday at Carolina Ale House in Columbia and a Red Velvet Cake Blizzard at DQ.
  10. Will keep him in our thoughts and prayers.
  11. Welcome to the mad house , I think you will really enjoy the first gen 38K is nothing for them, check all the rubber and change all the fluids one of the first gen gurus can give you some more specific tips. We have several get together during the year check out the rides and rallies section and come meet up with some fellow Venture owners. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?17-Rides-and-Rallies
  12. They are fun to mess with, I have been called several nice names by "John Smith from Microsoft" , the bad part is people that don't know any better fall for this crap.
  13. Happy Cherry Pie Day !!! We celebrated your birthday at the Ale House but we did even better than the Red Velvet Cake, we had Red Velvet Cake Blizzards!!
  14. In our prayers for a speedy recovery.
  15. Cool !!
  16. will keep y'all in our thoughts and prayers.
  17. I agree with the up and down as it has already started, in the 20's last week and in the 70's this week figure March will be just as up and down just not as cold. https://weather.com/weather/monthly/l/USGA0506:1:US
  18. I doubt it, my suggestion would be to buy some lens tape or window tint and put over the display.
  19. Welcome!! I have two 99's with about the same mileage, getting ready to sell one and I was looking at asking $3500 so I think you got a good deal.
  20. My long lost brothers. [ATTACH=CONFIG]103695[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]103696[/ATTACH] Will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
  21. Hope you get your parts OK. We received a package from FedEx a couple weeks ago for someone across town only thing similar was the house number. I looked up the name and called them turned out to be the ladies medication, I was glad I called them instead of FedEx it would probably taken them some time to have gotten it back to the right address.
  22. Thanks!!! I have cleaned everything out of my garage twice and all I found was an extra 5 quart container of oil
  23. I am still looking for a torque wrench I used two years ago when I did the valve adjustment.
  24. Did you leave the fuel on when it sat up and how did the engine sound when you turned it over?
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