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Everything posted by etcswjoe

  1. Leaving SC on the 4th and planning on stopping halfway which is around Chatanooga, where is the best place to stay and does anyone want to meet up in route?
  2. Bang on each bowl with the handle of a screwdriver. If that does not work you just need to take the bowl off and make sure the needle valve seats.
  3. Be careful, we may just take you up on that.
  4. What else is there to do in the area besides, ride, boat, fish and camp. I have to be in a wedding on June 15th in Missouri and don't want to go home in between.
  5. Wish you the best
  6. Stop by Charleston on the way down.
  7. I think I am probably close to getting hit
  8. I really like the looks of this bike and there are several around here for under 20K. But I have not had the chance to ride one. Has anyone here owned or knew someone who has to talk about it intelligently?
  9. So does that mean he will take 3 for the 09?
  10. That would probably be wise, I did say that's what I would give not what they are worth. Plus, could you imagine what Bobbi would do to me if I brought another bike home.
  11. That happens with old age,
  12. I'll give him 8 for the trike or 3 for the 09.
  13. I have not been to PA since I went for pumpkin pie one Christmas.
  14. They have one 59 a night room left.
  15. We made our reservations finally T-25.
  16. I still need to make y reservations. Other than Woodrow who have made their reservations?
  17. 78 and sunny here
  18. Where did you stay in KW? I was thinking about taking Bobbi down there for our 30th in March since that was where we were married. Thinking it might be too late.
  19. Blue Book is $7600 Retail, $5500 Trade in, I would offer $3500, but I am cheap, and Bobbi would probably frown on another bike in the Garage, but who could turn down a $3500 Venture.
  20. Make sure to add mine "Confusion"
  21. We have a wedding to go to in Missouri the following week so will at least be there for the weekend.
  22. only 242 days
  23. Had an AI chatbot lie to me today. Asked my insurance company a question via chat and right away I knew it was AI, so I asked if it was a real person or AI. It said a real person, so I continued to ask it questions just to see how it answered. I don't know whether to be be mad or worried for humanity.
  24. Missed the original post, glad yall are on the mend.
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