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Everything posted by etcswjoe

  1. Found these two definitions online. Driving Lights Driving lights are used to supplement the high beams for greater distance and width; they should be used only in conjunction with the high beams. Aim the centers of the beams at the same level as your high beam tape marks on the wall. Keep in mind that the height requirements vary from state to state, as seen in the chart. In some states it is required that auxiliary lights respond automatically to the fluctuations of the high and low beams. In such cases, alterations to the wiring will be necessary. As for the horizontal setting of the lights, this is a matter of personal preference. You might prefer lighting the sides of the road at a distance rather than concentrating the majority of light down the middle of the road. Passing Lights Passing lights are used to supplement the low beams to provide a more complete and uniform pattern. Aim the centers of the beams at the same level as your low-beam tape marks, or even slightly lower. Again, keep in mind that height requirements vary from state to state. Consult the enclosed chart and your local regulations. The horizontal setting of the lights is a matter of personal preference. A slight overlap of the beams in the center will give evenly distributed light all the way across the road, as well as very good width. A greater overlap of the beams, on the other hand, will increase the center light and reduce the overall width of the lights. Original website http://www.drivegreen.com/Auto_Service_26_Auxiliary_Lights.htm
  2. I think 1 out of every 5 Harley's I saw going to Biketoberfest were on a trailer.
  3. My wife and I listen to audiobooks when we ride and the volume is just so low I have to crank up the MP3 player and the radio all the way. I like the splitter idea and the ground loop isolator just need to amp up the volume some.
  4. That sounds like a winner, I just need to find a set that has a headphone out jack to get the right impedance and I actually think I do have a old set. I could probally remote mount the volume pot too. I had also looked at a splitter/amp called a Boostaroo for around 20 bucks. Will let you know what I finally use.
  5. My MP3 player just does not have enough volume, I was thinking about building an amp to boost the volume or buying a pre-made one and putting it inline in the fairing. Has anyone else done anything similar?
  6. Might be your headset, see if someone can loan you theirs and see if the symptoms change.
  7. We were down there today, stopped in after my daughters Tae Kwan Do tournament in Orlando. Too crowded for my taste J&P Cycles and the Harley Dealer were packed. Did talk to a couple at the hotel that use to be Ventureriders and quit when they bought a Victory Dave and Pat where there names. Saw a few ventures and alot of crotch rockets for some reason. Seem like a good percentage of the Harley's going down were on trailers.
  8. We are still working out the logistics but still looking forward to going.
  9. How does making it a Trike effect the warranty?
  10. He is in our prayers.
  11. Hope you get to feeling better soon.
  12. I was thinking about taking the bike completely apart, painting, replacing springs and shocks.
  13. :2cents:Pure-Gas.org list stations that have Ethonal free gas.
  14. I have found a decent program called Trojan remover that does a decent job getting rid of this one as long as you do the registry hack before hand.
  15. Can you post some pics?
  16. Never used a Valero station, however thanks for the heads up.
  17. I always feel like I have done something wrong when I scrape it can't be a good thing.
  18. I could go for either option.
  19. I am right handed but still scrape on the right more.
  20. Both my left and right floorboards look like someone took a grinding wheel to them. It does seem to me that I do scrape more on the right side, may just be SC roads. With my wife on the back I almost always scrape the right.
  21. Since it is a 2009 it should be covered under warranty.
  22. Nice looking ride.
  23. I let the local steeler talk me into a BarBuoy. Do not waste your money on one of these. http://budsmc.com/images/Store-BarBuoy.bmp
  24. Glad you had a good time, the gospel sing here was pretty good too. Wish I could have made both. Took Emily (my teenager) bike shopping she has narrowed the choice down to either a Boulevard or Shadow.
  25. My neighbors husband past away recently and she asked me if I would help her price and sell her husbands tools. I have found new prices for most of the items but I do not really know how much to mark them down. Can anyone give me a general rule of thumb to use. All of he stuff is in great condition and 3 years old and up.
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