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Everything posted by etcswjoe

  1. You got it, nice to see your daughter rides with you. Mine has been slacking since she got a boyfriend. So what's next? In a few days might get a picture with a hurricane.
  2. If Irene leaves us alone a ride to Macon may be in order.
  3. Thanks for the offer, show what great folks we have on here. Looks like we may not get the brunt of it now but you never know, will keep those in the path in our prayers.
  4. I'll bring some wine and a generator. :group cheers:
  5. We should all just head up to Don's in Greenville and have a big hurricane party
  6. Guess I should canx my weekend plans and start battening down the hatches.
  7. Going to make it simple, you your bike and a Blizzard:ICsmile::ICsmile::ICcool::ICcool:
  8. I am in Charleston, not sure what I can do from here but give me a shout if I can and I will make sure I keep yall in my prayers.
  9. Start checking all the connections, you have a loose, broke, or corroded connection somewhere.
  10. Here is where I work, you just have to figure where on the several thousand acre facility
  11. I am surprised it has HDMI and not a DVI connection.
  12. If you do not know the cable is good it is most likley your culprit, if the mointor shows red when you adjust it internally it could also be the connection in the back of the monitor. Does the mointor have a DVI or HDMI connection that you could plug your blu ray or cable box into it?
  13. Glad you are ok. Seems this kind of thing is happening alot lately, yesterday had a dump truck run a red light in front of me, a van ran a stop sign in front of me, a pickup truck insisted in following me at 2 feet, I went to stop at a red light and wound up running it because the SUV behind me was not going to stop and did not. I don't understand why people do this and I do not think it would have made a difference if I had been in a car or truck instead of my bike.
  14. Wish them the best for me...
  15. I say we give it to Scooter Bob since he has the actuall bank sign with the temprature on it even if he is not in the picture.
  16. I think I am insane for watching it for two minutes, but I did not laugh.
  17. They must be getting close to using all the parts they made back in 99. If a company did make too many parts one year can they slap them together and call them another year?
  18. Here is a link to the 2012 Venture http://www.yamaha-motor.com/sport/products/modelhome/513/home.aspx
  19. You got my vote Ruffy 2012 the Venture Party.
  20. Mr. Freebird, I supoport you and the moderators fullly. I must be thick skinned or maybe a little desensitized, I can not speak for the others that have served but when you lose your best friend or the kid you sent into harm’s way does not come back and you have to tell his folks, a little heated discussion does not bother me. If you ask how I think I will tell you and I may tell you I do not agree with your beliefs but I will not discard you because of them.
  21. Right before he goes into the turn you can see a black area in the turn and he did pass a new area of asphalt earlier so I am wondering if there was oil on the road from construction or something?
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