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Everything posted by etcswjoe

  1. If you parted it out and sold everything that was good on E-bay you may get a few hundred, check with you local scrape yard and see how much they are paying you may get more that way. I have seen ones running selling for less than a grand.
  2. Been Legal in SC for a couple years. In Florida a vehicle can go through a red light after a complete stop.
  3. I ride about 15K a year and right now I almost cannot see through my old windshield.
  4. He must have a soft tail if the seats gets him that bad, I have no issues with the seat. I don't think the batteries are the same model but I don't have a stock one either. Not much to power on a soft tail unless you add it.
  5. Ok How about you, your bike and a country store i.e. Mom and Pop.
  6. For a quick question this has been an awfully long thread.
  7. Got a wet nap at Wild Wings that said cleans without soap and water ingredients soap and water.
  8. Hope it was an easy fix and hope you had fun.
  9. Just think only 357 days till Christmas.
  10. Our prayers are with you and your family. Cherish the memories forever.
  11. It's may be the pins in the rear wheel, here is the thread: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=62504
  12. Are you saying I am too shallow?
  13. Man plans God laughs.
  14. We have three at work and they get abused bad and still hold up well.
  15. My daughter is taking economics in high school and she always has stories that you don't know whether to laugh or be scared.
  16. I can't complain I did not get anything.
  17. Depending on the direction you mount it anywhere from 45 to 90 degrees of tilt.
  18. What kind of camera is that?
  19. The 4th pic is a ram mount and I really like it new it is about 30 bucks from B&H http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/702888-REG/Delvcam_RAM_B_149Z_C1U_RAM_B_149Z_C1U_Motorcycle_Camera_and.html so you may be able to find one cheaper on e-bay or craigslist.
  20. I have never heard of having to pay another fee to get your title once it had been paid off but I have never lived in Ohio so I do not know what their laws are. If it is a Chevy dealer call Chevy and complain to them and just keep bugging the dealer. It may also be a fee your lending company should have paid.
  21. It would be in your best interest to call
  22. I use Norton.
  23. ' All the zip ties we use use are vinyl, plastic is a no no for us however it is usally easy to tell them apart.
  24. Is that a Kendra? I really like mine even if I have only ever used it when I brought the bike home.
  25. Hope you can enjoy it soon how about some Pics ?
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