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Everything posted by etcswjoe

  1. That is just so wrong but I still had to laugh.
  2. You have to watch out for those retired Navy Guys. Welcome to the group.
  3. I have a set of those, I think they are Klein. I will have to buy a handful of crimp connectors and play around around with them till I get it right.
  4. I have looked at severral diffrent crimp tools ranging in price from $5 to $150, do you have a preffered one that you use?
  5. Don, The Gentleman you have Marked as Joseph is Ricky Marlowe (Rmar).
  6. My first time using them so I guess I will find out.
  7. Puc, It is a piece of heavyduty heat shrink with a band of solder in the middle, slide the two wires into it till they overlap in the middle, heat with a heat gun or lighter untill the solder melts.
  8. etcswjoe

    Bike Pics

  9. etcswjoe


    From the album: Bike Pics

  10. etcswjoe

    Dragon Trail.JPG

    From the album: Bike Pics

  11. I was talking to one of our techs at work the other day and venting my frustrations of soldering the wires on the regulator rectifier, when she asked me "why not use solder sleeves? I have seen them used for years on our shipboard cables but have never used them until now. They were really easy to use and the connections look really clean and sturdy. I am curious if anyone else has ever used them and if so what results have you had? Solder Sleeves
  12. I have one similar just sitting on top of the battery under the seat on my RSV with no issues.
  13. Have you already checked to make sure nothing elese is just seeping by that spot, such as a fuel leak? I have a fuel leak from one of the the carbs that comes down at pretty much the same spot. I stripped the bike down to parade rest to verify so you may need to do the same thing.
  14. Did anyone mention speed bleeders? I use these, makes it real easy. Check to make sure you get the right size for your particullar bike. https://www.amazon.com/Motion-Pro-08-0482-Mini-Bleeder/dp/B0077QSGFG/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=Speed+Bleeder+motion+pro&qid=1603981288&sr=8-5
  15. Hopefully I will have some time this weekend to dig in to it, connections have gotten me into trouble before.
  16. @Patch Me wrong never, well maybe never, you know I might be wrong about that. I had thought the 99-13 were the same and have been buying parts under that assumption, but you know what assuming does to you.
  17. Nice to have you join us Brad, I also like to ride motorcycles and eat.
  18. Welcome to the group, looks like fun. As others said you may wind up spending more than you could make on it, however you will not know that till you dig into it. The bikes where the same for all of the model years and with few exceptions so parts are pretty much available new or used. Did not see where you are located, some great folks in the group and some old grumpy ones like myself who would be glad to stop by and give our two cents worth.
  19. Thanks for the recommendation on the connector; I will start with the battery especially since it is easier to get to than the connector is. If not I guess, I will have some “fun” taking off plastic.
  20. Just tried to start it and got an error code of 19 which says it is the crankshaft position sensor, the part is only $50, but with the Goldwing I am sure it is not easy to get to.
  21. I decided to ride the Goldwing to work today instead of the Venture, not a wise move. When I went to leave the Goldwing turned over but would not start, however it push started just fine. I rode home and the bike has started every time since. I had a similar issue a year ago but all you had to do was put it in gear and nudge the engine a little then hit the start button and it would fire right up. I attributed the issue last year to the batteries age but not sure now, the battery is only a year old and I actually had to get someone to help me push it to get it started. Any clues as to what the issue is? 2012 GL1800 35K.
  22. I have seen some of your crashes.
  23. Thank you sir for your hard work.
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