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Everything posted by etcswjoe

  1. Wish you the best and hate to hear you lost your job, however I did just read an article that there where 200,000 job openings for truck drivers. I known Warrior (Mark) drives a truck and I am sure there are others that can give you advice along that line.
  2. I added a couple more to the list.
  3. Waterproof that leaves out my recommendation of the Canon Rebel.
  4. Here are a few http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=61492
  5. 20K+ on my rear Venom I say plus because it was on the bike when I got it and I put 20K on it myself,
  6. You have a Trojan, it will probably start on other sites you visit too.
  7. Prayers to her and the family
  8. I am going to be doing my valves soon.
  9. Bought a 12 Volt power adapter from Cycle Gear for 10 bucks and I think I will buy a couple more. I took the handle bar mount off and made the hole for the acc socket below the seat just a little bigger. For power I cut the factory plug off the acc wire, soldered them together and it works great. http://www.cyclegear.com/_static/webupload/730/2_web1007420_3.jpg http://www.cyclegear.com/eng/product/12_volt_power_adapter/web1007420#pr-header-web1007420
  10. I get dirty looks from my daughter because its usally the wife and I that take off to go get something and come back severral hours later. My daughters answer get me a bike so I can go too.
  11. That's what the trailer is for
  12. The bushing is pictured below. If all the clamps are loose just rotate the muffler back and forth and it should just slip off. http://media.photobucket.com/image/recent/BriRit/2011-03-24_17-52-12_618.jpg
  13. You removed both clamps up front and removed the bolts in the back? Should just pull out if you have not you need to remove the saddle bags to get to everything. Also when you go to reinstall stock the rubber bushings may not be there unless you took them out when you put the HD ones on Take a look at this thread http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=37981
  14. The bike has two horns the chrome one usually stops working fairly soon. You can adjust the screw on the back and it may start working again, however most folks either let it be or replace it with something like a wolo or stebel compact air horn.
  15. Very cool
  16. Glade yall had a good visit=, looks like the same place we ate at last time we where there.
  17. Like Dan said glad your here to post about it, will keep my eye out .
  18. etcswjoe

    Do you...

    My issue with GPS is I was part of the testing back when it first came out and there are significant limitations and it is still a military system with an aging infrastructure plus half the fun is just getting lost. I always have a map backup.
  19. Anyone willing to do it around Memphis?
  20. I was almost afarid to open this that there might have been a picture of Bob in the shower.
  21. I am not a big fan of pinstripping but I really like that.
  22. Could be your TCI, sure one of the 1st Gen guru's will chime in been too long since I worked on it. Do you have an upgraded fuse block?
  23. Looks like a blast wish I could have went
  24. Did you ask them to join VR.org?
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