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Everything posted by etcswjoe

  1. PC World article about it http://www.pcworld.com/article/256711/ransomware_scam_accuses_people_of_viewing_child_porn_tells_them_to_pay_up.html
  2. Enjoy your bike I loved my 83 wish I still had it sometimes.
  3. Dan, Here is my recommendation: CategoryPartURLPrice CPUIntel 3.4GHz Core i7-2600K www.intel.com$317 MotherboardGigabyte GA-Z68X-UD7-B3 www.gigabyte.com$350 GPU3x EVGA GeForce GTX 580 Superclocked www.evga.com$1,557 ($519 each) CaseCooler Master Cosmos II Prototype www.coolermaster-usa.com$350 RAMCorsair 16GB Vengeance www.corsair.com $180 PSUSilverstone Strider ST1500 www.silverstonetek.com $380 CoolerCorsair Hydro Series H100 www.corsair.com $120 SSD2x 240GB OCZ Vertex 3 www.ocztechnology.com $1080 ($540 each) HDD 3x 3TB Seagate Barracuda XT www.seagate.com $600 ($200 each) ODDPlextor B940SA www.plextor.com$169 SpeakersCorsair SP2500 www.corsair.com$250 MouseCyborg R.A.T. 9 www.cyborggaming.com $130 Keyboard Razer BlackWidow Ultimate www.razerzone.com $80 Monitor3x NEC PA301W www.necdisplay.com$6900 ($2300 each) OSMicrosoft Windows 7 Professional www.microsoft.com $125 Total Cost $12,588
  4. Build your own, Tiger Direct and New Egg have good deals on bare bones kits.
  5. I would guess the northern hemisphere.
  6. Jon, I was thinking fuel filter but maybe a vacum leak,take some starter fluid and spary it on your vacum lines and see if the engines revs, also does it get worse when its wet?
  7. She is in my prayers hope she gets to filling better soon.
  8. It's Called FBI Moneypack Virus and here is a link to Nortons forum about it. http://community.norton.com/t5/Norton-Internet-Security-Norton/Problem-with-FBI-Moneypak-Virus/m-p/750034#U750034 If you were able to restart without it run a good virus scan and malware, spyware scan. This is a new type of malware called ransomware.
  9. Glad you did not get it worse, Dad had a similiar think happen mowing he got a gallon of gas and burned the suckers.
  10. PT Cruiser?
  11. I joined a couple years ago and it is rewarding.
  12. See if you can boot from a Linux disk and you may be able to recover some of your files otherwise you may have to start fresh.
  13. I am sure you are happy, tell him welcome back and God Bless.
  14. We have had Dish since it started and have had a few issues but they were always resolved to my satisfaction, my brother has Direct and I don't like the way you have to navigate the screens but other than that It seemd fine.
  15. I am with you, I seldom get virisus except when I am not behind firewall at home and if I do I just swipe the drive and restore from backup so I second the need for portable hard drives. In addition don't keep your data on the same drive as the OS.
  16. The prices I was getting around here ranged from 400 to 800 bucks each so I did both of mine myself but if I could have got it done for 175 I would have jumped on it. The first bike took me 12 hours and the seconed bike looks like it will be about 8 when I am done but I am slow too. Wish you the best and let us know how it goes.
  17. Works great too, I printed it out and wrote all the measurements on it came in plugged them in and selected the proper shims and off I went
  18. I just did two bikes with 40K on both and 8 valves were out of spec on one and 4 on the other, wish I had checked them like the book said at 26.
  19. I thought Tail of the Gator WAS IN in Kramer LA?
  20. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/at...0&d=1338335093
  21. I am doing mine now , Skydoc has a deal if you buy the gaskets from him he will loan you everything out of normal tools you need just pay shipping. Also look in the tech library at Gooses right up.
  22. Prayers sent, and hope she continues to fell better,
  23. I was planning on taking pictures but a video may be better
  24. Put a little pressue on it when you rotate the engine to make sure it catches right away and you should get plenty of room, I just did one bike Saturday and doing the other this week, a magnet tiped screwdriver will also make the job easier. Also look in the tech library at Gooses wirte up he gives some tips also.
  25. Tamiami Trail can be interesting on a bike, dear and gator all over the place
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