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Everything posted by etcswjoe

  1. Prayers to you and the family.
  2. Glad you are ok.
  3. etcswjoe

    Found it

    Looks like Rich Valley Road back home.
  4. You have to take out the screw from the back cover to release the front cowling once you take out the screws in the front but you do not remove the back cover.
  5. I just went through this and I have no clue how it got bent unless I did it myself while cleaning. I bit the bullet and paid 40 bucks for a new plunger. STARTER SET 1146125
  6. Morning, I am not sure which clip you are talking about. To take off the lower cowling there are three screws you have to remove two in front one in back then take out the little plastic pin underneath right at the joining point of the cowlings (use a #1 phillips head) then gently pull out the cowling from the gromet.
  7. There are a couple in Tidewater, however I think someone just wants to ride to the mountains.
  8. That will work, go ahead and set the next target good to be moving again.
  9. No takers on this yet?
  10. Looks good are you going to get rid of the radio stuff?
  11. Never been to one may have to check one out but for now I think I will just stick with the M&E's and rides from here.
  12. Nice looking sporty.
  13. Not sure if the 96 has the little circle cover on the stator cover but if it does take it off and you can turn it over with a socket if you can't get it to turn using Easy Riders method.
  14. Welcome back, now go ride.
  15. Prayers sent.
  16. I don't usally report things to FB as offensive but I think I would that one.
  17. I was invited to two bike rallys and after looking at both sites I don't think I would go. They are for adults only and looking at some of the events and pictures from past ones I don't think this old man would fit in very well. I am just curious if anyone on here has been to any of them and if they are worth going to if you are not into the "party scene" or at all? www.milledgevillethunderrally.com http://boonebikerally.com/
  18. Surprised I have not been told that I send people to this site and others all the time from that FB page. I did not even know there was a webpage associated with it. I just read the guys rant and what a tool.
  19. You lost me, I thought he was trying to find them homes?
  20. I found out how they did it, I got a pop up that said your session has expired I have gotten these before and never paid them any attention because I had indeed been signed out but not this time I was still logged in and getting the pop up so it turns out I gave them my old password pretty as you please. Now I need to figure what script or malware I have that is giving me the fake popup. Norton,Mcafee and Malware Bytes found nothing so I think it my be in my firefox browser itself since I don't get them in IE or Chrome.
  21. 10 Its old but it works good for XP boxes not too great for 7 I will have to check out Acronis, I know what you mean about Norton Utilities.
  22. I use Norton Ghost.
  23. This one was odd, the sent e-mails were in my sent folder. I will try adding the fake contact had never heard that one thanks for the suggestion. I went into my login history and someone had logged into my account from Mexico.
  24. Someone from Mexico logged into my Yahoo account and sent a bunch of Spam. I don't belive anyone on here is in that address book but wanted to make sure. If you get an e-mail from me with no subject do not open it.
  25. Praying for your safety.
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