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etcswjoe last won the day on January 23

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745 Excellent


About etcswjoe

  • Birthday February 13

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Goose Creek, SC, United States


  • City
    Goose Creek


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Photography, Hot Rods, Riding
  • Bike Year and Model
    1999 Venture Royal Star X 2, 2012 Goldwing, 1984 Goldwing

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  1. etcswjoe

    Vogel 2025

    Where is the snow?
  2. They salted the roads here, so I will be on 4 wheels until the next good rain.
  3. At least I was the only one on the road to work this morning.
  4. We know your wife is too nice to you.
  5. I just but Shinko's on my other bike for the first time, will let the group know how they do.
  6. I am on my second set, mileage is so so but they ride so much better than Dunlap especially in the rain.
  7. They call that stalking now 🥸
  8. Pre-crushed would probably make it easier but can't find any on Amazon. 😁
  9. I can always count on you to have the right answer fast
  10. Okay, my mind is drawing a blank, what size is the front caliper crush washer?
  11. I am on it
  12. Thanks for the advice, I was just about to split them
  13. I will make a trip to the auto parts store tomorrow and check out which one of these they have and let y'all know what I find out. Just a heads up I procrastinate allot, therefore it may not be tomorrow.
  14. Now the winter is fast approaching just remember us folks here down south and remember You're all invited back again to this locality To have a heapin' helpin' of their hospitality. Hillbilly that is, sit a spell, take your shoes of Y'all come back now, y'hear? In other words if you are around Charleston drop in.
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