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BG Hawks

Expired Membership
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Everything posted by BG Hawks

  1. ATOOLNUT, looks good! Also as a guy who owns stock in Cree thank you! Any information that you could share is greatly appreciated. I need to get more lights on my bike.
  2. Be safe and thank you for your service.
  3. Sad time of the year when you put the bike away. Not far behind over here in Iowa, especially when you start thinking of changing oil in the snow blower.
  4. Good luck and here's to a speedy recovery!
  5. Wally World
  6. Finished up my little project. Always hated the way the trunk looked when I opened it up. No lining, the flimsy little mat and all my stuff laying around. Started off by tracing the mat on 3/16 plywood. Wanted to use a plastic sheet but did not have any and cope plastics was closed at the time. Using a trunk mat from Walmart (learned that from a previous post) I covered the plywood using Loctite double sided tape; holds 100 lbs. I than lined the sides with the tape and laid out the matt; cutting and trimming to make it fit. Built my organizer out 1/2 plywood and covered as well. The organizer and bottom are seperate and can be pulled out for access any time. My half helmet still fits no problem. Next goal is to add a light. This winter I will work on the saddle bags! Sorry about the grainy picture.
  7. Purchased the used Saddle Bag Rails from OscarV and got them installed yesterday. Thanks Oscar! You were spot on! This is a great website of friends. Used the tech notes from this site to install! I think they look pretty good.
  8. I'm praying for your neighbor and thinking not very kind things of the salesman. I took the MSF class at age 44. Best thing I ever done. First bike for me was Vstar 1100. Very forgiving very easy bike to ride. I'm 6'3" 260. Please keep us posted!
  9. Nice looking bike! This is a great place to hang out for awhile.
  10. Just renewed my membership. Best damn $12 I ever spent! Glad to be back!!
  11. Count me in on the ride to Nebraska; that would be fun!
  12. Received my Carbtune a couple of weeks ago but timing was bad and had to wait; finally broke it out of the package and hooked it up. First time took 1 hour with a run to the hardware store(Long story). Test road it and not happy. 2nd try a little better only 1/2 hour, obviously no run to the hardware store. Got a hold of Cougar who road up to my house yesterday morning, of course I was not home as I ran to put gas in the bike. Got home and 10 minutes later the carbs were synched! Hooked up my carbtune and it come to find out my Port 4 is bent. Emailing Carbtune today about getting an exchange. Spent the next 20 minutes going over the bikes; time well spent. Got Cougar back to the interstate with a quick test ride and it was smooth. THANK YOU COUGAR!
  13. All I can say is WOW!?!? We do have the best kept secret in the riding world. Keeping my 06 for a long time; heck, I'm still looking to add a few things...trunk rack, passing lights, trunk wing, saddle bag rails, chrome, chrome and o yea more chrome.
  14. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Keep Strong.
  15. Prayers to him and his family.
  16. Nice ride and welcome!
  17. Great story! Thanks for sharing.
  18. I would! Love the bike.
  19. I moved up from a Vstar 1100. I was looking for a tour deluxe but found the RSV and glad that I did. My wife likes the secure feeling with the trunk back rest. Took a while to get use to the weight but now if fits like a glove. Can't wait for spring!
  20. it's a great place to hang out for awhile.
  21. Ulysses Everett McGill: Well, ain't this place a geographical oddity. Two weeks from everywhere! From Oh Brother Where Art Thou?
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