Actually I rode off the ledge...LOL. Was able to test ride a 2008 Goldwing last Saturday and determined it was not the bike for me. Funny thing as I was riding to the dealer (2 hour ride with title in hand) I kept thinking how stupid I was; I was really enjoying my bike!! Shout out to Waukon Powersports in Waukon Iowa. Called them up and told them real interested in a wing but needed to ride one. Also told them unless they got creative I would probably have to sell mine outright, they said no problem and would have the bike ready. Yes, they had the bike out and already to go when I got there. Funny thing when I arrived there was a couple there from Wisconsin on an 06 Venture, same as mine! Waukon answered all my questions and then took me for a ride. Although it was brief, I knew from the start it was not the bike for me. As I thought, I did not like the feet position and honestly liked the ride on my bike better. Yes there were many things about the wing that I like but at the end of the day; I'm keeping my 06. Heck at 23K miles; not even broke in! Road home and started thinking of all things that I want to do with the bike and started to laugh, I have some thoughts for a later day as I will probably asking many questions. When I arrived at home, handed my wife the title and said how do you like your new bike. She did not go with me nor did she know that I had the title. Thanks to all who shared their thoughts on the previous post; just wanted to share my update.