Ok, been around awhile and mostly hide in the bushes and follow everyone else. My thoughts are hit and miss on new Venture. Wanted V4, water cooled, shaft drive MPG. Like the looks, Infotainment, lights, and sure park. FYI, a buddy of mine that rides a 2017 Roadglide Ultra says our Infotainment system beats his. Always been a big fan of the Victory Vision looks. Who wants a bike that looks like everyone else??? Still fan but test road one a few years back and was not a fan. Maybe biggest issue was going from V4 to V twin. I got from the manufacturing world and it does not matter what the product is, the more bells and whistles the more expensive it is!! Huge fan of Yamaha and their reliability and I bet this bike hits that mark. I'm going to hold judgement till I ride one and I will; just food for thought.