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BG Hawks

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Everything posted by BG Hawks

  1. Room for everybody here. You will meet either in person or on line some of the best people! Enjoy that machine. I had an 1100 vstar and wanted to move up. Sold it and test road an 09 RSTD and was hooked on the V4. Nest day on craigslist an 06 RSV was posted and a week later it was mine. Been loving it every since.
  2. Welcome aboard!
  3. AMEN
  4. Prayers are sent. Stay positive!
  5. Welcome aboard! This is a great place to hang out when not riding. Take the MSF class; it was the best thing I ever did. I had not ridden in 20 years. Taught me a lot. Remember that's a heavy bike aand when you come to a stop you need to keep you wheels straight! Ride safe!!
  6. Got my seats from Rick in January. Put them on Monday and took a test ride; I could tell the difference already. Can't wait to try a longer ride. THANKS RICK!
  7. Thank you for sharing and glad to hear your daughter is ok. Tell her to take it slow. I was hit by a drunk driver 7 years ago. I was in my car thank God as he was doing over 90mph. Took me a long time to recover and sometimes today I still feel it. Glad to hear somebody stepped up and did the right thing. Not blaming the kid for taking the car; I know alot guys who did it when I was their age. Lying about it however shows you were our society is. I will step down off the soap box. Keeping you and your daughter in our prayers for a speedy recovery.
  8. Welcome aboard! It's a great place to hang out. You will find the answer to all of your questions here that's for sure.
  9. Congrats! This is a great place to hang out for awhile.
  10. Keep us posted GG. I'm sure that you will get it up and running.
  11. Welcome aboard! This is a great place to hang around for awhile. I stop here everyday even if its for a few minutes.
  12. I got a J&P Gift card; items already picked out. Received cash and sent my seats for the Butt Butler modification. Spending some wonderful time with my wife and kids and now I think I'm getting the flu that everyone else had...
  13. saying a prayer right now that all works out! Please keep us posted!
  14. Prayers are sent and hopes for a speedy recovery.
  15. Put the bike away today as it does snow once in a while here in Iowa. Rick I will be contacting you real soon for the seat modification that you have made famous!
  16. Done. Hope all is well.
  17. Nice ride and welcome to the board. Lot's of great people here!
  18. Very Nice!
  19. Please let us know the date and starting location! Have fun planning!
  20. Sorry to hear about you Brother in laws daughter. your family is in our prayers. Past 2 years we have planned a charity ride. My suggestion is to start early planning and know your route. Can flyers out and make sure that your stops are on board with you. Make sure you ride the route the day before the ride. Road construction can pop up at anytime and mess up a ride. Not a bad idea to have road captains. They are the guys that know the route and will help with tricky area's. Make sure that they ride 55 miles per hour. Remember the tail end of the line will be riding alot faster. Touch base with local authorities as they can help get you through towns. Look for bike friendly locations to stop and many times they will write checks or donate for a raffle. Note that even raffles need a gambling liscense at least in Iowa. Check with the bar many times they have one and you can use theirs. If you have a silent auction start and stop at the same spot that way you can raise the bid while you are gone. If you start at a bar have one that serves breakfast. If you stop for lunch make sure that they have enough food for everyone; something simple and buffet style. You don't want 55+ bikes ordering off the menu or you will never get out of there. Have stops spaced out enough that you get some riding in 25-30+ miles between stops and have your ride go about 110-120 miles. Have a defintite idea of how long you are staying at each stop and make an announcement that your leaving in 10 minutes. Sorry for the early morning rambles and best of luck to you!
  21. Several of us at work ride. Some ride crotch rockets, a few of us ride "those other bikes" and we of course have the HD guys. Now in the HD group these is one guy and you all know him that its HD or nothing. On a side note he is a good friend of mine and did come out and look at RSV the first day I brought it to work. When I sold my Vstar 1100 to move up he sent me a picture of 98 Heritage but it needed work. Told him thanks but no thanks; I'm buying a bike to ride not work on. Quite honestly I'm just not in the postion to pour money into any bike. This week at work the HD guy, myself and a former rider (thinking of getting back on) were discussing bikes. The former rider stirring the pot looked at me and asked when I was going to get an HD? My reply was why would I want a Vtwin when I have a V4. So the HD guy says where do you want me to start? I said Start? I ended it at V4. He just grinned and I chalked it up as one for the other guys.
  22. Thoughts and prayers are on the way.
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