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big red

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Everything posted by big red

  1. asof this posting its been 131 hr.& 43min. i'm just starting to get my smeller back. not realy wanting to smoke , so i might just make it.[after 30 years @ 2 packs per day ].
  2. makes me feel hot.i think that i'll go for a ride. high today about 60 and getting COLD tonight.low around 37f.and no i'm not rubbing it in either.
  3. yes gentlemen. it is the ignition switch. the only problem now is finding one. all of the local yam shops are saying they have to order it and it won't come in till after the 1st of the year at a cost of about $180.00.thank y'all for your help. big red {a.k.a. Chuck }
  4. it doesn't do ANYTHING. its like some stold the battery. no lights no camera no action. but the radio plays
  5. o.k. boys heres what happened. i went to local bike night last night,{yes we do ride in december here in florida} after dinner and social time i got on the bike to go home and ohoh it don' t start. the radioplays but nothing else works.light won't come on bike won't start.any ideas would be helpful.battery is fully charged and only 3 months old.
  6. big red


    i live in the HILLY area about 50 miles south of you .zephyrhills.i will also be in leesburg for bikefest,and ride that way quite often.theres a great german bakery right around the corner from you on co.rd.46 in yalaha.
  7. i used a stock horn from a honda valkery with the stock yamaha horn. i mounted it right behind the stock horn and just used 2 jumper wires from the stock horn.it also adds a little chrome and is loud enough to scare the s%&t out of the old people down here.
  8. it is a kaw.vulcan 1700 voyager , check out the posting on 9/21/08 by seforman.i like it and might even buy one if i could find one.
  9. i use the same one that ECK uses.it works very well and will hold most any cup.
  10. crystal river area has good camping at natures campground or many others and also the ozello trail ,like the dragon only flat.only 11 miles but lots of twistys and a great seafood resturant at the end called the port cove.also agree with the brooksville area,i ride it almost every weekend.
  11. i had metzler 880's on before. and it handled REALLY bad. however they had 17000 miles on them. i also road my buddy's 07 and i agree, it handles MUCH better than my 2000.
  12. my 2000 also seems to '' PUSH'' going into turns and i have 3 week old dunlop e3's.even last night at a local race track where my riding club got to do 5 pace laps at 60 mph. but the 07 that was with us didn't have that problem.and the hd's seemed to be running full out even in the banking.
  13. try rumblingpride.com:confused24:
  14. after 3+ years and 55000 miles on my rsv, i only heard it come on once. and that was sitting in traffic on speedway blvd. in daytona last october bike fest. but i'm glad it did, the harleys were pulling over to cool off and big red just kept going.
  15. does it work with nitrogin ????:confused24::confused24:
  16. i had a very simalar problem with metzlers on my 2000 rsv . it did go away after about 1500 miles. how ever it came back if the pressure went below 38 lb.just got it out off the shop saturday and had new dunlop e3's installed. WOW it's like a brand new bike again.no more metzlers for me. also no more wobble , at least up to 100 mph.
  17. custom dynamics has them. 800-382-1388 or www.customdynamics.com sku#2267 $9.95 per set:bighug:
  18. o k in zephyrhills, but as much as i hate to say it, we really need some rain:225:
  19. congrats gary, bring her to fla. to see how we chrome in the south. good luck with her.:080402gudl_prv::080402gudl_prv::080402gudl_prv::080402gudl_prv:
  20. around central fla. we use chanel 8.
  21. can't be ,they don't have a 8 track tape player.:rotf:
  22. how can i get the turn signals to light up? i have 1157 blubs and only one filament burns with the turn signal.can the low beam be lit up for runnig lights by just moving a few wires?
  23. i really feel bad now.just came in from a 150 mile ride.85% not acloud in the sky,short sleeves,shorty helmet.but i'm not rubbing it in.
  24. i have metzler880's on my rsv with about 14,000 miles.they still have fair tread,but the handling went away about 1,500 miles ago. it tends to get very loose in cornering.i've always kept the air pressure at 40lb.rear and 38 lb.front and mostly ride 2 up.
  25. 25 miles n.e. of tampa in the moutians of fla. lots of good riding,but not many venture riders except thumper and he don't have his venture anymore.
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