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Everything posted by Michael_Bishop

  1. Bob it look like everyone was having a good time. Nice and peaceful.
  2. I went downtown Friday night and film some. Here is the motorcycle going around the circle. [ame=http://vimeo.com/72559810]Aug 16 2013 Red Bull GP Motorcycles On Meridian Street on Vimeo[/ame]
  3. Great shots and something you will remember. Thanks for sharing.
  4. This video is non motorcycle related. I'm still riding my 2005 RSTD. I have just been busy doing other stuff to. Learning about shooting video and photography. Here is a shot film that I enter in to a competition that Neumann films is have. The competition is not how many plays you get. He has judge's for it. If you have a fast connection take it full screen at 1080P or 720P. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvWag_AcGYw&feature=c4-overview&list=UUzDcl9HECTxu2mNPgXJUfeA]Summer In Indiana - YouTube[/ame]
  5. Alwrmcusn the GoPro breaks the video file up because the SD card is formated in fat 32. Something about fay 32 a video file can't go over 4 GB.
  6. here you go. https://vimeo.com/55972724
  7. I rode over to Hocking Hills Ohio back in 2008. Spent 4 days over there. Good riding. One day when we was over there my friend and I rode 7 to 536. They call 536 The Ohio Cousin of the "Tail of the Dragon.
  8. I have the Go Pro HD. I see they are coming out with the GoPro 3 in Nov. I did not upgrade to the GoPro 2. But I think I will pick up one or two of the 3 in Feb of 2013. Bummer is right on the hard drive space. What I do is I added a 2 TB USB driveo and after I edited I copy them of c: drive to the USB drive. The edited version then I delete the raw video clips.
  9. Million Dollar Highway HD YouTube video. Might want to trun sound all the way down a lot of wind noise. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDWPY13KgZI]Million Dollar Highway - YouTube[/ame]
  10. Well the high 90 and 100 temps drop so I had to get out and ride. I rode down 37 to Bedford Indiana. Took 450 over to Shoals then U.S. 150 to Paoli . Then took 56 over to Salem. Then 135 back to Indy. https://vimeo.com/48115377
  11. Any of you guys from Kentucky or Virginia rode this road. Looks like a fun one.
  12. Here is a good scanner it is SUPERAntiSpyware Online Safe Scan. The online scan is free and it will fix things. http://www.superantispyware.com/onlinescan.html The best way to run it is to disable startups and boot up in safemode with networking support. Then go to the site and run it.
  13. I have been using Metzler ME 880's for the last 6 years. I have never had a problem yet with them. I ask the Cycle Outfitters about the problems people say they have had with them. They told me to keep the air pressure right and that want happen.
  14. Here is a spring ride in Indiana on April 7 2012. I normally shoot video off he motorcycle at 720P but up it to 1080P on this ride. On the GoPro HD 720P shoot at 170 degree wide angle but at 1080p is at 127 degree. when we started that morning tempture was 39 F. Part 1 https://vimeo.com/41214565 Part 2 https://vimeo.com/42243234 Part 3 https://vimeo.com/43487559 Part 4 https://vimeo.com/43562847 We rode 45 but I forgot to bring my extra batteries and one cam quit about 5 minutes in to it.
  15. BigDawg sory I had not look at this post when I have log on. I ride a RSTD and have the front cam mounted in front of the windshild on that metal plate with the suction cup mount. It does pick up a bug sometimes being there. I just don't like it behind the windshild because of glare from the shild. I'm like you I don't like the looks of video shoot from ahelmets. I have the second camera mount with a suction cup mount to the back right saddlebag. Right now I'm using Power Director 10 Ultra because it was a 64 bit program. I lay both video tracks down one unber the other and line them up. Then edit stuff out and pick witch view to show. Right Now I don't have a picture of the setup, but I will put a link to the U.S. 150 video I did on that ride. At the beginning of the video I'm using a flip came and get the bike in it and you can see the front cam. https://vimeo.com/46119345
  16. I was just look at my registration. I got mine back in Jan here in Indiana 83.55 for a 2005 RSTD.
  17. here is a video a friend did of a trip of Natchez Trace Parkway last year. The group had a great time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULKI5W8kr9E&feature=youtu.be
  18. I retired a little over 4 years ago. It's still seams that I don't have time to do all I want.
  19. I got this in a email from Motorcycle U.S.A. http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/1404/Motorcycle-Video/2012-Star-Stratoliner-Deluxe-First-Ride-Video.aspx
  20. Snaggletooth I watch you test video. I see when you encoded the video you did not use HD 720p video settings. When I got a GoPro HD camera I started using Pinnacle Studio HD14 to edited and rinder the video. I don't know that your computer specs or OS your using. You will find out that HD video can use up a lot of hard drive space. I pick up a USB hard drive to backup and store my videos to. I made a video for a friend in TN on how to use Pinnacle Studio HD14. it's a little long but I wanted to cover most of the stuff people will want to do. Here a link if you want so see it. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJjsat8Qp5U&list=UUzDcl9HECTxu2mNPgXJUfeA&index=6&feature=plcp]How To Video Edited With Pinnacle 14 - YouTube[/ame] What I do is after I edited the video I render it to settings like it came from the camera. I use that one for making a DVD or streaming it to the TV. Then I render one with the HD settings but a lower bitrate for the web. Last year I started using two GoPros and when to using Cyberlink Power Director 10 Ultra version. It make it easyer for me to edited a two camera view. Plus the Ultra version it's a true 64 bit software and if you have a i5 or i7 sandy bridge CPU in some of the video types it let you use the video part build in to the cpu called Intel Quick Sync which speeds up the rendering 2 to 5 tomes faster. Just giving you some info that I have learn. Enjoy capturing your rides on video.
  21. Here is part of a spring ride. Shoot with 2 GoPro's. https://vimeo.com/41214565 Here is part 2. https://vimeo.com/42243234
  22. I love my Bubs to.
  23. I use 2 HD Hero GoPro.
  24. Thanks everyone. I'm going to started editing the the U.S. 150 part today. Because 150 is just on the east side of Shoals where I pull over for a break. That day I rode down 37 to Bedford then hit 450 over to U.S 50 there at Shoals. Then 150 over to Paoli. Then I hit 56 over to Salem then 135 back north to Indy.
  25. A little late being it almost spring but I have been busy. Here is a video from Oct 9 2011 on Indiana 450. [ame=http://vimeo.com/37077335]Oct 9 2011 Looking For Fall Colors On Indiana 450 on Vimeo[/ame]
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