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Everything posted by Galapagos

  1. My best wishes for the young man.
  2. Something to think about. When you plug a hole in a tire the bands have been cut by whatever caused the hole. the inside of the band will fail at some point. It is like having a tear in a sheet or cloth. Sooner or later that split is going to fail and you will have a catastrophe failure. I know some people have run bikes for years with plugs. They are riding on borrowed time. The proper fix is use a plug and then cement/ round patch the insde of the tire or replace the tire. With only two tires on a bike I replace the bad one. My life is worth more than a couple hundred bucks.
  3. A drunk walks out of a bar and sees a nun standing at a bus stop. He walks up to her and punches her in the face. When she falls to the ground, he starts screaming, "You're not so tough now, are you, Batman?"
  4. A dog walks into a saloon. The barkeep asks what will it be and sees a bandage on the dogs front leg. The dog says "I'm looking for the man that shot my paw".
  5. I did it in reverse. Got divorced and bought a Harley. Bike cost me less than she did.
  6. Welcome to the club G&V. Good to have you here.
  7. Avon Venoms. Stick like glue in the corners.
  8. I like loud. I have drilled the back of the muufler and still think its sounds like a 90 year old man snoring. If I cut out the rear plate on the muffler and pulled out the tube would I run into a problem with the carb mix and backpressure? Would it lean out too much?
  9. In the past I had people actually pull to the side of the road thinking a police officer was behind them. (White RSTD with a white half helmet) I use mine when approaching an intersection or if a cage driver looks like he is going to do something stupid that may affect me. They do get people to see you.
  10. Ditto on what everyone else said. I am a former owner of Harleys. The 2006 RSTD is the nicest bike I have ever owned. http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w109/chromeandleather/100_2275.jpg
  11. Chars 2003 600 Honda Shadow and my 2006 RSTD. http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w109/chromeandleather/CasperandChar.jpg
  12. I live about 5 miles from the huge storm and we got about 8 inches. I did go pickup my bow at a sporting goods store that day in the two foot area. Cars were stuck everywhere. 4WD is so nice.
  13. At least you dont have to shovel rain like you do snow Annie. Last Saturday we had over 2 feet in 4 hours or so.
  14. Ashtabula Ohio. Known for snow, steelhead and meth. I like the snow, being of Finnish desent. I love to fish for steelhead. I carry a legal gun when fishing because of the backwoods meth labs. I guess all places have benefits and drawbacks.
  15. The City of Ashtabula Ohio recently voted out the cameras. The cops can still use them but they must be manned by a police officer. LOL! We had both red light and speed cameras.
  16. That was great!
  17. The one concern with DOT 4 syn fluid is that it will hold water from condensation. They use it in Mack/Volvo clutches. I am a Service manager for Mack/Volvo.
  18. 1. Get a road Captain and a wingman to help the Captain. The road Captain will direct and lead the run. His position will be the front bike on the left side. His wingman will ride next to him on the right side. These positions remain the same on the run. 2. Assign two sweep riders. These will be two cyclists that remain the last two of the run. They will sweep in the blockers your will have for the intersections. They will ride the run and stay as the last two riders. 3. Blockers. This is a touchy area. Blockers do exactly what the name implies. They block intersections. Some cops are cool with this and some hate this. Blockers will stop opposing traffic and allow the group to proceed at an intersection. Blockers will drop to the rear and let the sweepers guide them in. 4. As far as choosing a Captain, wingman and blockers I would seek advice from a local bike club or ABATE that may be willing to help you out. Find out when they have a meeting and attend with your request. My club, CMRO, does runs for people all the time that request them. Look up some people from Gold Wing Riders, Moose Club riders, American Legion or AMVETS. I am a Moose member. If you wish I can get in touch with some local groups in Wisconsin and see if they would help. 5. Plan you route. Find out what your stops are going to be and make sure they know to expect you. Nothing worse than 75 bikers coming into an unprepared bar or restaurant. Get phone numbers and let them know your group will soon be at their establishment as you have already planned. Call a ½ hour before you will be there. Plan on four or five stops. Run the route a few days before to make sure roads are not being worked on. Keep your run under 100 miles. 6. Run a 50/50 or dice roll. These are money printing machines and will add to the final dollar amount for you charitable endeavor. The dice run will be fore the members of the run. Do a 50/50 at every stop. You are there to make money for your run. You will also have expenses to pay for. 7. Ask the places you are stopping if they would donate a door prize for your last stop. 8. Print 2000 fliers and make sure you have the people to distribute them. Get them out a month before the run and check them every week that month to make sure they are there. Go to tanning booths, restaurants, bars, your dry cleaner, the corner pizza shop, the grocer, your work place and pass them out. Pass them out at ANY business you have in a 25 mile radius. If they don’t have a flier they don’t know about your run. GET THE WORD OUT! Also make your fliers in color with all contact information. Make sure they know it is for a good cause. Some bars have runs and they keep the money. 9. You need to have a good place to end the run. A restaurant/bar is good because they can feed your people. Make a deal with the management if they want to supply the food. You need food supplied at the end of the run to keep the people happy. 10. Door prizes. Everywhere you drop your fliers you should ask for a donation. It is amazing how nice some people and businesses are and want to help. There is an old saying that if you want to close a deal you need to ask for the sale. ASK FOR THE DONATION! 11. Insurance, accidents and other bad things. You are the one putting this run on. Have people sign a waiver. It will not protect you in court but you never know. If you have an AMA member you may be able to buy run insurance. It is about $200. Use experienced people to Captain and sweep your run. Don’t let anybody get out of line. Throw them off the run if they drink too much or ride in an erratic manner. Their actions get you sued. See if you can get a nurse or Doctor to join your run. They ride bike too and can be a big help if something happens. We have three nurses in our group and it makes me feel better. 12. Numbers. You will get 75 to 150 riders. Make sure you have prizes and food for them. My last ride had 350 bikers. We split it into three groups because of the size. 13. If possible I would come and lead the run for you. Wisconsin is a little far for a run since I am in Ohio. Just get people with some common sense to help you locally. Ask the membership here to help you. 14. Get started tomorrow. Do not wait. Get a band together also. Make a deal with the last stop to pay for half the band. Then get the last stop to donate the band. If you have questions PM me please.
  19. I am saddened by Elizabeths troubles. Please try and keep her spirits up. I organized a run for seven years for a friend that is no longer with us.. It is an amazing amount of work to bring a successful run to fruitation and watch it grow. Let me think on this project and try to help you in any way I can. After the holidays I will send you an email with the steps you should be taking now, near and at the run. I am a life member of CMRO and ABATE. I have organized many runs for CMRO and helped in countless other charity runs for different peole and causes. Also I would like to see the people from Wisconsin and the surrounding areas help out here if you can. More to follow on this. MoS
  20. Try being a Browns fan.
  21. Thanks guys. I wondered about the wax. I think I will hit it heavy and wipe it down. No cover this year either. I had condensation last year. This is my second year of cold storage. Usually the bikes sat all winter in a heated garage. That was nice when I tinkered with them. Oh well. Wax, oil change and fuel treatment next weekend.
  22. I could never decide between Farrah, Dawn Wells or Barbara Eden. I have to thank Mary Ann and Jeannie for getting me through puberty though.
  23. The bikes are soon going into cold storage. I read someplace that it is good to wash and dry the bike (dedicated to the bike leaf blower) and then use spray wax. You do not wipe it off. I plan on using Ice wax. Yeas or nays? Just to save the responses I also plan on an oil change and Seafoam or Stabil in the tank.
  24. I used to give the driver a chance to claim the meat if he/she wanted it. I also had a freind that would come out and get the kill if it went unclaimed. He owned the cougar in the Lincoln commercials on TV. That cat liked roadkill. Would eat hide, meat and bone.
  25. The undamaged side should be good. I used to be a cop and did alot of deer collisions. Alway tell people that I shot 15 deer in my life when they ask if I hunt. All of them got hit by a Buick or Chevy before I got them though. If he was not busted up too bad some of the meat would be good.
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