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Everything posted by Galapagos

  1. I always trusted Karma. Steal my helmet, sunglasses or gloves off the bike you will pay someday. Let me catch you and you become hamburger helper instantly.
  2. I trust Freebirds judgement and ask him to be the administrator. This could be interesting if there is not a winner this go around.
  3. Does it leak oil in the driveway or anything flyoff when driving down the road?
  4. Freebird?
  5. Galapagos


    Can I make a stupid suggestion here? Lets get into the Powerball. We can PayPal Freebird three bucks. That pays for one chance, $2.00, and gives us somthing extra. We can donate what is left. Two dollars for the PB chance and we decide what charity gets the cash by a member vote for the remaining funds. Crazy idea? I donate alot of time and money to those I will never meet. It is a good feeling. The best feeling I have ever had in my life. We could wait til the next pull if nobody hits.
  6. Its almost like you are watching me. LOL!
  7. Thats nuts! Have a safe trip.
  8. I received the flags today. They are great! With slight modification I should be able to use these with the marker supports. My thanks again for the persons responsible for donating these high quality flags. I will try and have them in place this weekend. I know I talk too much but I have one more comment. America is the land of the free because we do not forget our service people who had to endure terrible things to give us this way of life. I lost an uncle in Nam and had five uncles all see combat in different wars. My father landed on the beach the second day of D-Day. When you see a Vet thank her or him for their service. And thanks again to this site and the members here, Vet or not. You people rock!
  9. I had a Penton and two Husqvarnas. Great bikes then, great bikes now.
  10. Jeannie from I Dream of Jeannie and Mary Ann from Gilligans Island helped me through puberty. Thank you both.
  11. I have some really great news. I received a phone call from a member of this site that wishes to remain unnamed. He is shipping me a high quality flag for each service. I have to do a slight modification to mount them on the markers. I am a former police officer, Sheriffs Deputy and firefighter. I am tearing up as I type the words in this post. I cannot express my graditude to you Sir. This monument has become a personal thing with me and I thank you for helping me out. This site is also wonderful. I will be here for life. Thanks folks, Geo
  12. I think the holders are OK. I need flags. I think they are 12x15 inch flags. I am asking for Legion, Vietnam Vets, Eagles or any organization to help out. I hate to say this, I contacted my local Legion and they said they would get back to me. They had the flags and had to get an OK. I never got a call back and I ride with these folks sometimes. If I could do this I would not ask anyones help. Circumstances have hade if difficult for me to do anything at this time. It is very frustrating. Thanks, MoS
  13. I find myself needing some help. Anybody know where I can get flags for this memorial marker? I have contacted the Vietnam Vets and Legion and not heard any thing. I would take the project on myself but I have to admit I do not have the funds right now. Mulch is one thing, flags and holders are something else. The company I work for is not doing that great right now. I am at a 10% wage cut and we have about half our workforce. My job may not be there come spring time. I am looking for flags from all the services. Marines, Army, Navy, Coast guard, Air Force. I would also like to find some type of flag for Police Officers. If someone has a source for these please PM me. Thanks, MoS
  14. Good you did not bust up anything important. At 56 I find I have to think more about what I do. I guess the edge of the blade is getting worn. MoS
  15. I use 87 with no problems
  16. In my younger daze I wrecked alot of dirt bikes. I had some great wrecks that would have put me in the ER if not Critical Care today. You gotta be tough to get old. Good to hear you did not get hurt bad. MoS
  17. I will stick to my Saturday morning Jamacian Blue Mountain. $20 a pound.
  18. Make a great timex commercial!
  19. I have these on the 06 RSTD. Great pegs!
  20. Can somebody send me the original post so I can see what all the ruckus is about? I always laughed when people said all guys were A-holes and I was their King. That was just from people joking around though. They were joking right ??? But this sounds too good to miss. Am I being an A-hole requesting this?
  21. Welcome to the brotherhood.
  22. Checked the deflectors, fairings and windshield. Nothing loose. The exhaust is also normal. Nothing under the bike is loose. Guess I wait and see.
  23. I was about 20 minutes into a nice ride yesterday and heard a strange noise from the front engine or tire area. The only way to describe it was as if the bike had run over a flattened pop can in the road. Short rasp and it was gone not to appear the rest of the day. No big thing. Today I am riding and the same noise appeared. Short rasp and it did not come back. Bike ran fine. There was nothing in the road that I saw and I watch carefully for rough surfaces when riding. Anybody ever experience somthing like this? I have an 03 RSTD with about 15K on it.
  24. A mechanic gave a word of advice once. "Start at the battery". It has been valuable in the past.
  25. Sorry to hear about your Dad Jeff. Hope everythings turns out well.
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