In my mind, the GPS has mor detail than a trunk full of maps. When yout looking to get to a specific address, they are hard to beat.
They are a safety item as well as you don't have to be searching for street signs when your full attention should be on traffic. That alone is a big plus for me.
Want to stop for lunch? Instead of just looking around to see what is available, pull up a list of what is available within 25 miles along your route and choose the type of food you want and get specific directions to get there. Lunch becomes what you want not what you see available.
Plan your route to use secondary roads and enjoy the countryside. Roads without numbers are for me. No need to worry about street/road signs in rural areas. Gome across a road that does not look inviting on your planed route? - just make the turn to the better road and the GPS will recalculate a new route for you.
I won't give mine up.