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Everything posted by JPM

  1. Hey Mike, good to here from you. It's been a while. Glad to here you are still moving around.
  2. But, Squid has never had a bike that lasted 5 years. Lets hope the next one does, though. Joe
  3. Brad, those pictures just scare me to look at. I know you mantain your bike well and still this happened. Am sure glad that you and Lona come out better than the bike. Hope to see you in the spring - only 4 months to go. Joe
  4. Darn Brad!! I just hate news like this!! Am sure glad You are both going to be OK. See you both soon, if we all can get to a January lunch, that is. Not too sure I'll be able to make though. Joe
  5. Al, thanks for the update. Sounds like a LOT of good news in your post. Joe
  6. JPM

    maps or gps

    In my mind, the GPS has mor detail than a trunk full of maps. When yout looking to get to a specific address, they are hard to beat. They are a safety item as well as you don't have to be searching for street signs when your full attention should be on traffic. That alone is a big plus for me. Want to stop for lunch? Instead of just looking around to see what is available, pull up a list of what is available within 25 miles along your route and choose the type of food you want and get specific directions to get there. Lunch becomes what you want not what you see available. Plan your route to use secondary roads and enjoy the countryside. Roads without numbers are for me. No need to worry about street/road signs in rural areas. Gome across a road that does not look inviting on your planed route? - just make the turn to the better road and the GPS will recalculate a new route for you. I won't give mine up. Joe
  7. I get those all the time. I just forward them to SPOOF, mark the sender address as spam, and delete the mail. I don't really know what good it does to forward them to spoof as I get the same response back from them all the time. Joe
  8. Your feelings do matter, Bruce. There will be a better time for those other things. Joe
  9. Jeff, thanks for posting. It has been my pleasure to meet your mom and dad several times when they came to Michigan for one of our lunches. The last was just two weeks ago. While your loss is great, I feel a loss as well as your mom was a wonderful lady. I am at a loss to offer any more than that, Joe
  10. Thanks for that update. Heartfelt wishes for Gary that he will heal quickly. Joe
  11. Sad news indeed. Just had lunch with both a short while ago. Joe
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