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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. do you put grease in the trailer tongue where the tow ball goes or just leave it dry? I spray mine down with a good silicone spay everytime I pull a trailer and if I am on vacation I will give it another coat every couple of days. Keeps it slick but without the mess
  2. number 1
  3. Thursday's great. I just need to be back in Eureka by 5:00 pm because I go on a Ice Cream ride with our local GWRRA chapter on Thursdays and I am taking my daughter this time since see is headed off to College and wont be able to see them for awhile, we usually have anywhere from 12 to 18 bikes go. Call me and lets set up a time and place. Three O Nine dash too 6 four dash 5 six O six Talk Later Rick. PS Great board seems like family and I have made new friends already. Thanks everyone:dancefool:
  4. Somebodies gonna get a deal............
  5. Sounds great just name the time and locations and I'll meet you there. I am semi retired at this point so anytime works
  6. Yes you probably did. I don't remember what day it was but I went up to JC whitney to get a mount for my Sirius radio. I believe it was Thursday. What did we do pass each other?
  7. I have never been able to hear the fan but then again how do I know if it's hot enough to kick the fan on? When I stop I normally hit the kill switch and have never really payed attention to see if I can hear it but I will start paying attention. Does anyone know if a light comes on if it does get hot?
  8. Feets, Thanks for the link. In just a minute or two I did find out I have a clock on the dash and also how to get it to display and how to set it, Cool Thanks again Also that is a picture of my 78 wing and my Venture
  9. I was told to add pictures of my bike so here they are
  10. I have a 2000 Venture that is new to me and I was wondering (since I have no owners manual) What lights come on when You turn on the key. Mine only has the yellow check engine light come on for a few seconds then when I kit the starter 2 red lights one each side on the bottom come on while starting it.Should there be other lights come on when the key is on? Also I noticed 2 times in the 4,000 miles I have put on the bike that when it was really hot and I had a tail wind the yellow check engine light came on very faintly so faintly that at first I wasn't sure if itwas on or if it was the sun. Does this light let you know it is getting a little warm or what? Thanks for the help. I am sure I will get everything figured out with you alls help Rick
  11. Here in Illinois it is against the law to text and drive but they don't/can't enforce it. It's a joke to most but my daughter lost one of her best friends last summer to texting and driving. 17 years old and driving down the road and texting her boyfriend and crossed the center line and then swerved back and lost control. What I don't understand is how many people have to die before we do something about it. There is a program available for phones that (all phones have gps) if the GPS says the car is going over 12 MPH then the cell phone is inoperable. THE PHONE WON"t WORK. People say it isn't fair since if they are a passenger they should be able to use their phone, Like I told them I don't care if it is incovienent (sp) for them because I don't want to be run over by a texter and since we ride we all see it going on. Sorry I'll get off my high horse now Rick
  12. I am a new member and would like more info on this meet. Where would I find it. Thanks SO much Rick
  13. Well for now I ordered the kit that turns your turn signals into tail/brake lights from electrical connections and I will get them going and see how I like that. I really like the looks of the stock back end so if they and enough light I will leave it at that Also can anyone or everyone tell me how much air they run in their back shock and front forks? Thanks so much
  14. I didn't know they had traffic lights in Wyoming............man you all have really made some progress haven't you?
  15. You do understand that other than the statement "POLICE PROTECTION" your statement is the 2nd biggest oxymoron there is LOL:thumbsup2:
  16. I feel for you brother. I have been going through similar things for the last couple of monthss myself. I lost my eye sight in the left eye while on a 5000 mile trip. I have had surgery since I returned home and the vision is better but still like looking through the winshield of a car on a rainy day with it fogged over and no wipers going. The needle thing is scary in the eye but they put me under to do mine. Just for a few minutes then they cut mine open in three places and went to work. Hang in there bro and I'll be thinking of you while you go throught these trying times
  17. Thanks for all the info, I now have some light ideas so all I need to do is decide. I really like the turn signal conversion and the lights under the trunk. May go with both plus I have the harley light bracket on an old gold wing I have maybe I rob it from the old bike.
  18. OK need help on how to get the states I visited to show up. I went to manage my fiels and uploaded it but no luck
  19. I think I got oit right
  20. Thanks for the reply....one more question how do I attain the map of the usa like some have on here. I assume you can highlight the states you have rode in.
  21. First off new to the Venture Motorcycle. Have been riding for 30 years but have rode mostly Goldwings latley and Harley's in the 70's but I love my Venture. I am getting around 46 mpg is this about what I should expect. I see a bunch like the Avon Venom tire.......Why? how come not the Dunlap Elite 3 How foten do most change thier oil? My Clymers Manual Says 8,000 miles but I am old school and think 4.000 miles at most. I do not like the fact that the only lights on the back is one tail light. What have others done to add more lighting without making it look over done. I like clean looking. I ride a 2000 Venture Limited Edition Thanks for Your input. Rick
  22. Well speaking of bad service I have just bought a used RSV. It didn't have a manual or the lower fairing air deflectors (assume they got broke so he never repaced them) so I stop at my local Yamaha dealer and ordered a clymer manual and the lower fairing deflectors. Total bill about $200. I go out and get on my bike start it up and pull out to the end of their drive and am setting and waiting on cars to go by before I pull out. The bike just stops running. No power no nothing, I push the bike back up to the parking lot and since I just bought it a few days earlier (I didn't buy from this dealer) I didn't even know where the fuses were located. I went in and asked them if they could look at the bike to see if it was a fuse or at least tell me to locate the fuses. Well he came back from the shop and said if I could leave it they may be able to get to it tomorrow. I told him that wouldn't work but could he at least let me know where the fuses were and they wouldn't even do that. So I called my daughter and had her come 40 miles withmy pick up and then rented a uhaul motorcycle trailer and loaded my bike up and hauled it home from the dealers lot. I will never go back to this place again for anything. I figure it's their loss since that has happened I have spent about $700 on other things for the bike but not with them. The dealer is Sportland Honda and Yamaha in Bloomington Illinios.
  23. UHAUL rents a motorcycle trailer for $15 per day and the rsv will fit on it perfect.
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