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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. I don't know if deer whistles work or not but I have had them on my bikes for years "just in case" but I will tell you they are suppose to be run in pairs because each one makes a different sound that when put together is suppose to keep deer from running out at you. They will not stop a running deer but are suppose to keep them standing still as you drive by.
  2. I had the same problem with mine and all I had to do was adjust the throttle cable at the grip. I adjusted it in a little and it then worked fine.
  3. I have to agree, I use mine for getting to points when in a strange town but never use it to get from one town to another. I also use it if we are in a different state just riding around and didn't pay attention where we went so we can get back to wheere we want. But they are nice to have for a bunch of things:clap2:
  4. Order #2 I need the one for the fuel tank........In the Tan color for the 2000 millennium edition Please. Rick:fatsmiley:
  5. I use turtle wax ICE detailer on everything on my bike including the windshield and it works great
  6. All Casey's General Stores have free air And most everywhere you use your debit/credit card they charge a $1.00 fee but then it is dropped off after 24-36 hours.
  7. I tried to defend the Harley's and don't understand why ANYONE puts down another persons ride but also don't you forget that Harley is not liquid cooled and needs rebuilt at about 80-110 thousand miles. the water cooled bikes will run 250 thousand miles. If Harley was water cooled I might own one but I do like my Venture and the fact it is not fuel injected doesn't change a thing for me. People say fuel injected bikes get better mileage but we know that's not true either.
  8. Why is it that people find a need to insult what others ride? I will never understand why some need to be so rude towards fellow riders. I believe every brand of bike breaks down, I also believe there are ass--le riders that ride every kind of bike. I for one have rode Harleys, Yamaha, Suzuki and Honda and the only one that left me beside the road was a 1975 cb350 4 cyl. But I guess some need to .................never mind I won't say it
  9. You better get movin, I bought mine the 17th of July and have put 7520 miles on it so far.:Venture:
  10. I am looking for a junk headset that someone may want to part with. I need the mic from one that goes in an open face helmet. I have a new Elite series 584 for a full face and the mic is just a wire so I need to have the boom mic so I can attach it to it for an open face. Hope this all makes sense.
  11. What is the difference between facebook and posting here? I mean as a waste of time.
  12. Facebook is like anything else, you have to use some common sense when using it. Don't give out any personal info and you won't have trouble. Most people on here give out more info right here on this forum than facebook asks for. ps facebook has no intention of charging a fee this is one of those email/internet hoaxs started by people just because they can. Check out Snopes.com and type in facebook charges and it will tell you about it.
  13. So what is REALLY going on here? Why the "percieved" change? What causes it? I realized just by changing the tires that the grip should improve, but the handling to the degree I am seeing it kind of amazes me. Are SOME OF THIS PERCEIVED changes psychological (placebo effect)? What is everyone's opinion on this... Wally It is real and you will love it. I bought my RSV used and it had Avons on it which made me happy (Or so I thought) since people on here talk great about them. Well my bike wouldn't corner. People asked me how the bike was in curves and such and I told them my old 78 wing would out do this bike by leaps and bounds in curves. When I rode with the Goldwings they would run off and leave me in the curves and I mean out of sight because mine would not corner. I decided to go with the Elite 3's and man what a difference. The bike now handles like it should. Yes the tires are noisy but I will deal with that.
  14. Guys I have never paid over $90 for a headset and I have 4 of them The last one was J&M's best one and I bought it on ebay for $67 I also have one for a half helmet and one for no helmet. The only complaint I have with the helmetless one is it hurts my ears/head after about an hour or so. The j&m's are on ebay and amazon in fact there is one on ebay right now with like 1 hour left for $60 but it is for a 3/4 helmet. Goldwing or yamaha headsets are the same.
  15. I handle each tailgater different depending on what they are doing and who it is. I normally slow down and wave them around and then shack a finger at them (not the middle one) Sometimes I speed up and hope they get the idea. Remember DO NOT confront them with anger because cagers are like a bunch of us and carry guns. It is not worth getting shot over.
  16. I run 23 pounds in my 12 inch tires, it says max psi is 50 poundsd but rides and pulls better with the 23 pounds
  17. I was told by the snap on district tool rep that most digital air guages that cost under 50 bucks are not very acurate. He says a 10 dollar old style slider gauge is as good as anything made.
  18. This scare the heck out of me..............5 rear ends went bad please tell me you put like 50,000 miles a year on a bike.
  19. Needs to be another rally because of the latest news.
  20. Appears as if that is the same thing I had done. I wondered where they put the needles. I am sure glad they put you under for a couple of minutes when they do that becuse there is no way I could watch them do that without jumping up and running away:rotf:
  21. I didn't go pickin either but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night WOW I even know that was bad
  22. My wife (Shirley) and I will be doing some camping and riding around western Kentucky on Thursdat August 26th through Sunday August 29th at the Hurricane Creek Campground at Lake Barkley. Thought if any of you were in the area or wanted to be in the area to do a little riding let us know and we can meet up and do some riding and then amybe a meal and a brew at the campsite. You can let me know through a post, PM or call me cell number is (three O 9= 264-5sixOsix) Rick
  23. Mine did that, It would just quit. Turn the key off then back on and it would start. Mine was the connection from the ignition switch with the 2 wires where they plug in was cracked and causing it to loose co ntact for a split second. Cut the ends off and wired direct no more problems. Well at least until the ignition switch failed and man do they think their switch's are special $155.00 AND UP FOR A $30 SWITCH. What a joke and then it may go out again in 6 months.
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