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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. Been There
  2. You know a guy said to me "Well that Venture is an Electra glide look a like but for about 35% less money and it is water cooled" I thought to myself that doesn't make me the dummy
  3. In 1965 Earl Bluegrass from Kentucky was drafted into the Marines On his first day of basic training they gave him a comb then they shaved his head On his second day of training they gave him a toothbrush and then pulled all his teeth On his third day of training they gave him a jock strap They are still looking for Earl
  4. Rick Haywood


  5. Yea what he said
  6. Took me 3 months to figure out the radio station presets
  7. Mike that is one of my favorite rides. We come over to Indy and Nashville 5-6 times a year to ride that area. In fact gave me the urge to come over and ride the area again and may try next week in the weather holds. Thanks for the video and also love the music choice. Rick
  8. I believe one thing that the "you must wear all this safety gear when you ride group" believes is that the group who choose to ride wearing blue jeans no shirt or helmet and flip flops don't believe that safety gear will help when if fact this group isn't stupid and understands this but makes the choice to do it because they want to. It is like the people who come up to smkers and tell them that smoking is bad for you. Now how arrogant can a person be to say these things believing that they are the person who is smarter and by their one statement it will change what a person does or how they believe. Remember if they are not breaking the law it is none of your concern what they do. And by the way I do not smoke and I wear boots, shirts , jacket, gloves and a helmet when I ride. Problem is there are way to many people who think they know best what is good for me. Remember don't tell me what I should do unless you want me telling you what to do also.
  9. Isn't that what the internet and message boards have done? Allowed people to ne invisible while they attack each other.
  10. Do you wear Flip Flops when you ride?
  11. I am not sure what the reason is to leave the thing i n the reserve mode. Don't you all stop or do you ride non stop up to the 175 miles it takes to go to reserve. When mine goes to reserve it takes about 2 seconds to switch the petcock plus you can tell for about a mile or so that it is running out of gas
  12. Satellite Radio is your answer
  13. That's a tape deck behind that door............I thought it was to hold my MP3 player
  14. It says he joined in August...how come it does that
  15. Well I had a gold wing and bought a RSV the end of July and love the bike. I am more comfortable on the Venture than any other bike that I have rode. I have put 14,000 miles on it so far. The farthest I have rode in one day on the bike was 635 miles and I wasn't sore but was tired. Go with the RSV and ride , ride ,ride.
  16. Thanks MightHawk, I went there before I tore it down any further and there was where my problem was. Cleaned both plugs up and added grease and it solved my problem
  17. I gotta agree with you, I bought the elite 584 off of ebay for $80.00 and I listen to music from my satellite radio and mp3 player and it sounds really good. Don't buy from deal;er check ebay and amazon and buy the elite series.; Also if it will fit a goldwing it will also work on the Yamaha.
  18. Here is what is going on, My stereo comes on but you can't hear it either through the speakers or headset. If I turn it up all the way you can hear it a little bit. The CB radio works as it should except when I hit the push to talk button for the passenger it will sometimes transmit and sometimes it won't. After hitting the button a couple of times and error message comes up on the display. I removed the front of the fairing and started to unplug, clean, put grease in and plug things back together. I unplugged the big cable that the ends look like your headset hookup and the stereo started working but the CB didn't work any longer so I assume this is the cable for the cb radio. Has anyone had this trouble? If not I guess I should start at the Passenger control box and work my way through the cb then forward towards the stereo its self. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated OH yea I ride a 2000 RSV Thanks
  19. OK I need some input on where to start and what might be wrong. Everything on my stereo comes on and works like it should except no sounf from speakers or headset. I can hear it a little bit when it is cranked all the way up. FM, Tape deck and MP3 all play. The CB radio works as it should and I can hear it fine. It started this a few days ago and then all of a sudden it started to work and then when I got home it went out again. Thanks Rick
  20. Well I will trailer mine in January and drive south from Illinois til I get to warmer weather. I will then find a place to leave my truck and trailer for a week or so and ride down to Florida and go down and back up each coast with a day in Key West. Would rather trailer it out of the weather verses not riding it at all.
  21. I ran an Avon and only got about 8,000 miles out of it. I now run Elite 3's and so far I have 7,000 miles on them and can't even tell they are wearing. I know everyone complains they are noisy but why do I care I just crank up the tunes a little more. Plus I need the tires to last because changing them at 7-8 thousand gets old since I ride about a 1,000 miles a week.
  22. 1999 they all have the aux jack plus if you go inside the fairing you can use a 'y' and don't have to leave the tape door open to use it
  23. I don't have the 709 but do have a Model 738B which is a .380 and I love it
  24. Hope his Dad didn't here you
  25. Remember when you remove a bolt for any reason lock tite is the answer when putting it back on
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