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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. The government has regulated away common sense
  2. Pictures of the goldwing
  3. Really nice and now I really want to be where it is warm on the seat of the bike rolling down the road. Come on spring time
  4. Just ignore it. It is not worth getting worked up over. If it's not you doesn't pertain to you. People just hate bikes for some reason. Don't stoop to their level.
  5. This is me at the top of Mount evans
  6. The one who kept saying Allen would have been funnier if he had said Penny, Penny Penny like Sheldon does on Big Bang Theory
  7. How do you know my Caddy?
  8. here ya go http://www.tincantourists.com/classified/showproduct.php?product=3723 here is another one http://www.tincantourists.com/classified/showproduct.php?product=3499&cat=3
  9. A Texas State Trooper was patrolling late at night off the main highway. He sees a couple in a car, with the interior light brightly glowing. He carefully approaches the car to get a closer look. Then he sees a young man behind the wheel, reading a computer magazine. He also immediately notices a young woman in the rear seat, filing her fingernails. Puzzled by this surprising situation, he walks to the car and gently raps on the driver's side window. The young man lowers his window and mutters, "Uh, yes, Officer"? The trooper asks: 'What are you doing'? The young man says: 'Well, Sir, I'm reading a magazine'. Pointing towards the young woman in the back seat, the trooper says: 'And her in the back, what is she doing'? The young man shrugs: 'Sir, I believe she's filing her fingernails'. Now the trooper is totally confused. A young couple, alone in a car at night, in a lover's lane ... and nothing obscene is happening! The trooper asks: 'What's your age, young man'? The young man says: 'I'm 22, sir'. The trooper asks: 'And her ... what's her age'? The young man looks at his watch and replies: 'She'll be 18 in 11 minutes...
  10. They sound like my brothers in eastern Kentucky Darrell and Darrell
  11. I'd have to set down and cry if that was mine
  12. She was standing there watching you reply wasn't she Mike
  13. When is the funeral?
  14. Here is the one I went to on my 2000 RSV MM and I love it. When it is time for another I will replace it with the same windshield. this on is 13 in stock is 17 in. this widhscreen is 5 in wider which I like. It is from Chrome world www.chromeworld.com/ProductDetails/ProductDetails.aspx?pid={75737d8d-9024-468d-a649-ca0d0588bcd0}&gid={5587944a-cc5e-4f53-8047-d44a8232127d}&GroupName=Yamaha+Royal+Star+Venture+Windshields&pname=Show+Chrome+Tour+Windshield+Yamaha+Royal+Star+Venture+Clear&Referer=&Alias=&ptct=SGR-SR&CTitle=&
  15. OF COURSE:dancefool:
  16. I did add this to the calender also
  17. "Come have some fun June 25th 2011 Meet & eat we supply main course please bring covered dish Official start time is 10:00am and will end ? Within 1 mile of our house is a grocery and carry out adult beverage store. We will supply Lemonade Tea Water . If you want to stay Friday night and/or Saturday night here is what we can offer. We have 4 bedrooms and lots of floor. Backyard for tenting and 6 Motels within 8 miles. We will have some prizes for farthest away, closest, Prettiest bike by vote and some other contests. I will also lead a 50 miles ride leaving 1:00 pm. For those here at lunch time maybe we take up a collection for Pizza, We will cook our evening meal at 6:00 PM. Please add a post with your name if you plan to attend Location Eureka, Illinois email: pusch73@msn.com More info later. ps if you have any suggestions to make this an even more enjoyable event please let us know
  18. Mine did that a couple of times before the ignition switch went out.
  19. Rob I know the Sheriff is being very helpful but YOU NEED A LAWYER The courts won't care what the Sheriff has to say when it comes to being in court. Again You need a Lawyer NOW
  20. Thanks, As for being uptight that is not in my DNA I have really never met a stranger...I have met some strange ones but never a strranger:banana:
  21. I know and that is fine, I figured the fine folks from the surronding states might come and that would be great.
  22. Thanks for the replies. I am just at the thinking about it point but would like to have one in May or June. I want people to be able to ride in and then we can all do a ride together and then Eat and have some beer at my place. I can't do it any later because I am planning a 23 day 15 state ride to the west coast and Northwest the last half of July and first of August. Anyway I will decide a date after the first of the year and let everyone know. It will be pot luck and I will supply the main dish. I wouldn't mind supplying the beer but then you get into liability issues but there is a bar and carry out about 1/4 mile from the house. I just got to thinking about all the people within 200 miles that are on this board that mat decide to come over............WOW could be a great time. Also any other insight or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks Rick
  23. I always have a spare on the bike but I also never take mine out of the ignition. Since the Ignition switch on the RSV is junk when the last one went out I didn't replace it I just by passed it with another on switch that looks just like the Road Light switch so you have to turn on the key and turn the extra switch on for it to start. Plus my key looks like a radio knob when in the switch so if you don't know the bike you would never guess. Except now that I have told all of you.
  24. If we (my wife and I) wanted to host a meet and eat at our house what would I need to do other than the obvious. (let everyone know when and were) Any info would be great. Thanks Rick
  25. Hey Don they already have that channel and it's called SPEED You need Satellite in you Car/bike barn with a 60 inch flat screen. You set that up and they will come.
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