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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. He is really lucky because if those Marin es had gotten a hold on him he would have been really beat up:rotfl:
  2. Dunlap E 3's Front and back
  3. That was exactly what I was thinking as I was reading the post:Cool_cool36:
  4. I guess as soon as we decide to work and pay all our taxes and stay home and do nothing so we can work harder to pay more taxes and never question anything our government does or tells us to do then they will be happy. I for one can't do that.
  5. Tractor Supply everyday low price is $6.50 a can. Also at Farm and Fleets
  6. I may have been throught he same things, had bleeding in the eye and they took out the fluid in my eye and did some lazer repair then replaced the fluid with saline solutoon. Also had the cataract done and am now going through the same thing with the other eye. Just did the cataract last week and will do the other in 3 more weeks. Cant see out of it right now because of the blood in there but should be back to normal in about a month. Diabetic damage is causing mine . amazing how much brighter colors are after the cataract surgery
  7. I really like OPB brand (other peoples beer)
  8. Your mind in not failing. When we reach our loder years it is just hard to retrieve the4 info since the hard drive (brain) is getting full.
  9. I believe you will get your share of the white stuff before it's over. You know after we can finally ride again me and the wife are in Indy alot so maybe we can meet up sometime.
  10. Since we are due 2 feet of snow over the next day and a half with 30-40 mph winds I guess we won't get the bike out for a few more days. Where is this global warming I keep hearing about?
  11. I'm a 2 lane rider and just cruise and enjoy the ride and use gears to slow down. Must be the x truck driver in me. I stopped driving 26 years ago and my wife says I still slow down way to early.
  12. I love mine I think. I never gave it any thought about effort or anything. I just enjoy riding and don't worry to much about things. If you like using your toe then by all means do it.
  13. Brakes................what are brakes? Just funin I got 32,000 out of my original pads which I thought was OK.
  14. Lower than a snakes belly in a wagon rut
  15. More trickery abounds—there’s a liquid-cooled oil cooler, and the fuel pump is inside the fuel tank, and has a maintenance-free filter and fuel level sending unit built in. Should the bike fall over, a lean-angle shutoff switch will kill the engine (but will not stop it while cornering).
  16. Thats a hellava price for them.
  17. Well we had a little bit of a heat wave here in Central Illinois. Was only 3 below and made it to 12 degrees today.
  18. Well I am hoping that when it does come time for a new bike that 1 of two things happen. #1 Yamaha has a bike like the RSV because I love the bike. I like the ride and the way it sets when I am on it. #2 Harley has made a water cooled Electra Glide Classic. Other than those 2 bikes I might look at the Kawasaki. If none of this happens then I will look around for a 09/10 with low miles and just by another RSV
  19. Don't rent a bike. Scams go on where when you stop someplace they steal the bike away from you. Also if anything happens accident wise both parties go to jail if you can't agree who was at fault. We had a moped accident while in Tulum and it ruined the day and cost us $450 dollars in damages for a moped that wasn't worth $300. Te bad thing is it wasn't our fault. Anyway go to Tulum and also make sure you take a tour of Chichen Itza ruins. They are very well preserved and it is pretty cool to walk to the top of the pyramid. If they still allow that. http://www.locogringo.com/past_spotlights/apr2002.html
  20. Just wanted to share this with everyone. Some of you know about all my struggles with my left eye and some don't. It's a long story but I will make it short. While on a trip out west last June I had hemorrhaging in my left eye and a membrane tear inside the eye and lost the sight in it. I have had 3 different surgeries since then with no results. I have been able to see about a total of 3 weeks since June 24th when this happened. We had one more chance to fix it with this last (4th) surgery I had on the 10th of this month. As of this morning (Tuesday the 18th) I can now see. It isn't 20/20 but about 20/70 or so and I can live with that. It is so wonderful to be able to see out of both eyes again. Anyway thanks for listening. Rick
  21. Mine is states I have ridden a motorcycle in/through
  22. I agree but the only problem is if you are in the government then you don't have to follow the same rules
  23. Bisard, an Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department officer accused of driving drunk at the time he hit three motorcyclists, killing one, will have an initial hearing at 1:30 p.m. in Marion Superior Court.Prosecutor Terry Curry refiled six alcohol-related charges against Bisard on Wednesday. Former Prosecutor Carl Brizzi dropped alcohol-related charges last year, claiming that the blood test that showed Bisard was driving drunk was improperly administered and couldn't be used in court. The test showed Bisard had a blood-alcohol level of 0.19 two hours after the crash, more than twice the level at which an Indiana driver is considered drunk. Curry thinks the test is admissible and that a judge should decide the fate of those charge
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