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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. No but I am going to talk to a friend of mine who is a computer geek
  2. Freebird and all the others that tried to help me out with this problem...Thanks. I have tried everything imaginable to fix the problem but I can not get the reply and new thread buttons to show up when I log on using firefox. Strangest thing I have ever seen. I believe is has something to do with the name being required in our profile since that is when it changed but who the heck knows. But one thing about it there is no way it will keep me off of here, I'll just use exployer to come on the site. I am still open to suggestions if anyone thinks of anything. Again Thanks a bunch Rick
  3. Another thing that is strange is it now shows the newest post in the tread first where as before it showed them in the order they were posted. I can use the sight through exployer but really hate to do that. It has to be something with my computer setting some how since everything works when I log in throught my daughters
  4. I did all that still nothing.
  5. OK When I logged in on my computer to the venturerider site using Firefox everything seems as it should be except that all I can do is read the posts/threads. It will not let me reply or start a new thread. What it is like is when you are not logged in and not a memberthe site appears that way. No reply Icon or New thread Icon. But now here is the what is really weird. I used my daughters laptop and signed in through Firefox and everything workes great. I also used my laptop and went through Internet Exployer and it works fine, Si I figured something was wrong so I did a restore to 2 days ago when I know all was correct. Yep you guessed it Still will not let me do anything but read when I log in through FireFox. I am stumped. Any help out there. Thanks Rick
  6. Thanks and I will, I also had a custom bib made for it. The same colors as the tan on the MM edition with MM etched in it so it should be here in a few days so will add pics with it on the bike also.
  7. I bought a set of saddlebag rails for my 2000 RSV. It didn't come with directions but are pretty easy to figure. Now what I need to know is this....How do I get the plug out of the holet where the bracket mounts to on the backside of the saddlebag by the fender? Thanks for the help Rick
  8. Thank You
  9. I had the same problem on mine and believe it or not it was the passenger controller for the volume and push to talk button. I bought some electrical cleaner (that's safe for plastic) and just soaked it over and over while I kept pushing the talk button and turning the volume button. I believe it was just the talk button and when I was done everything worked as it should. The push to talk button was sticking a bit but after cleaning it worked freely and solved the problem. Mine was doing exactly what yours is. Good Luck
  10. Well mine has nothing to do with riding our bikes but at a Formal Christmas dinner each table had candles on them and the table next to ours the candle wasn't lit and one of the ladies at that table made a comment about it, so being the gentleman I am I took a napkin and lit the end on our candle and was going to light their candle with it. Well as I reached over to light their candle the lady setting at the table raised her arm to wave at someone yep you guessed it her hand/arm hit my hand and the lit napkin fell down the back of her low cut dress so without thinking I reached down her dress to try and put it out. As I reached down her dress she screamed and tried to stand up which in turn made me stumble and I fell backwards into the Christmas tree knocking it over onto another table. And now you know the rest of the story
  11. Wow for that kind of money I am afraid my wife will just have to hush:fingers-crossed-emo
  12. Wished we had been friends:whistling:
  13. I used a switch exactly like the switch for the road lights.
  14. with my bypass you still have to have the key on for the bike to start. I left the 2 wires on the left side coming off the ignition switch hooked up so without the key on it won't start. Sorta nice this way if they turn on the bypass all it will do is crank.
  15. Don't use the stuff for removing fog off of headlights it might destroy the windshield. It says not to use on plastic windshields.
  16. Windshield us Johnsons clear coat scratch remover and you will be amazed how it works. Might take 4 or 5 applications but it only takes a minute. For the Aluminum polish it with either Mothers or Blue Magic aluminum polish. This takes a little work but is worth it.
  17. If you don't want it let me know I'll take it. As for the stator don't add anything extra (lights and such) and it could last another 100,000 miles. I know a guy close buy that has over 300,000 miles on a 86 1200 and still runs well.
  18. 1978 Goldwing that really doesn't look like a 1978 goldwing
  19. Put the bypass on an d forget it. I did it with mine and I drilled a small hole and put a push button switch on the front of the plastic piece that goes around the ignition switch. No more problems and you can barely see the switch
  20. Keep it up you only have 14 more days and then it gets easier from there. The withdrawals stop at around 21 days. Been 6 years since I quit. at least 2 packs a day for 30 years. I feel better but did notice that for some reason my clothes fit much tighter.
  21. I'm still on there and I have space to stay in the house and tools and garage and well what ever you all need.
  22. Anywhere is a great ride. Just stay off the main highways and you can't go wrong. Slip down into Arkansas a little also
  23. What he said
  24. i Didn't know they made one for the MM. I would love to have one for the MM. I even thought about puttinhg on the black ones but then would have to change the back rest and bib also
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