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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. I can do a root beer on Sunday but some of us have to work on Monday
  2. Thanks Annie...........I tried to do that myself but couldn't kick me in the you know where
  3. Hmmm fuel delivery..............What a dumb a** I am. I didn't change the fuel filter. 40,000 miles on the bike and never been changed that I know off. I got the bike last July with 19,000 on it so bet it has never been changed. And yes EUSA1 lives not to far away and he offered to switch and see plus I am going to Bryans Meet and Eat in Iowa so there should be a few there also. Maybe a fuel filter will solve my problem.
  4. Forgot to mention that I already did that by hand and with a laser thermometer. I have done everthign I can think off and everything that I have read on here to do. What is really odd is that out of gear at idle and when you rev up the motor it sounds great. In 1st, 2nd, and 3rd the thing runs greeat and only does this in 4th a little but is really bad in 5th. Forgot to add that I still get right at 40 mpg riding 2 up running about 60 mph on the 2 lanes. On the interstate it is about 36/37 mpg at 70/75. I am confused and I know it isn't suppose to run like this. Maybe I need to ride another one to compare. Buy the way that is what it feels like. It acts like it is running on 3 cyls. But unless it does it when it gets over a certian rpm it is running on all 4
  5. OK, I have done everything I can think of on this bike and it still runs like my old 59 Harley PanHead. When you roll back on the throttle it runs like you are in 5th gear at 45 MPH. I am doing 70 when I do this and it vibrates and feels like you are lugging the moter. I have reset the fuel/air mixture, synced the carbs, changed the plugs and air filters. Checked all vacum lines and the fuel tank vent tube. I am at a loss on why this bike runs like an old v twin Harley. It is not smooth when you throttle up and no I am not lugging it. If I am then it is a piss poor design that you have to be doing 75/80 when you shift to 5th and it still does it. Today I had a 25/30 mph head wind and it vibrated so bad when attempting to pick up speed at 65 mph that the handlebars were shaking. I even had it in the Yamaha shop and the rechecked the sync and said it was dead on and they said they couldn't find anything wrong with the bike. What do they run like if the valves are off? Is there any timing that can be done? Any ideas? Thanks Rick
  6. You are going to want to get the end weights for the grips that match your grips. You will get that tingling feeling in the hands if you don't
  7. I just stick a toe out of my shoe for what gear I'M in..............not really. Don't care what gear i'm in I just listen
  8. Rick Haywood


    Wait my friend who is an attourney says this is true and you will get your thing a ma gig if you just follow the directions. He knows because remember he is an attourney o wait tht was another email
  9. How many miles on the bike? It may not be the clutch but just the clutch spring. I have 39,000 miles on mine and it started slipping in 4th and 5th gear and I just change my clutch spring to the Barnett cluthc spring conversion and it stopped slipping, shifts smoother and the clutch basket noise is gone. it is a little stiffer on the pull at the lever but nothing bad.
  10. All the higher octane is is an anti knock agent. nothing more nothing less
  11. WOW this couldn't have come at a better time for me, I plan on the Barnett Clutch spring install next week. I will follow the directions very closely as to avoid any problems
  12. If you go from Cody make sure you take HWY 14a for great riding and scenery. Awesome road
  13. I had the same issue and it didn't have a bunch of power and would vibrate when trying to accelarate at 55 mph or so in 5th. I followed what everyone said a run the rpms up higher and at some point it would smooth out. I still felt it wasn't running like it was suppose to so started looking for things done all the hot/cold pipes thing and new plugs and filters but still the same. I thien pulled the tank off and started looking for things and low and behold found the problem. One of the tubes that goes from the air box under the tank had come loose from the top of the carb just enough to mess things up. I cleaned the area and reclamped it back together and man did it change the way it ran. I now need to sync the carbs and I believe it will be back to normal. Also shouldn't yours still have warranty left since it is an 08 Good Luck Rick
  14. We live half way between Peoria and Bloomington Illinois in Eureka on US Hwy 24. We have a couple of extra bedrooms and a garage if you need a place to crash let me know. We would be more than happy to put you up Rick and Shirley
  15. What was that?
  16. I saved the $12 membership fee in the first month after I bought my RSV MM edition. I didn't have a manual and you all were so much help. Plus the jokes and stories are worth the money. Rick
  17. I have a RSV and a GL 1000 goldwing.
  18. WOW I have one just like you......I punch in 10 numbers and someone answers my call. It is really an amazing product. So much easier than having to type everything out like the old telex machines.
  19. We Have A Tape Deck? Is it an 8 track or maybe a reel to reel..........
  20. Thanks for the info
  21. Well I know that all the plugs are firing and I get the worse shudder when I am running around 65 mph and roll the throttle an it keeps the shudder all the way up tioll about 85 or so. It acts exactly like I am lugging the motor but I am not doing that. I will try the carb sync and work from there. Hopefully this solves all my problems. I hate it when they don't run perfect like they should.
  22. Guys I really don't remember but I just got the bolts 1/2 inch longer and got the brass spacer/sleeves also 1/2 in longer. It moved them out just enough that I can slpit the fairing with out taking them off.
  23. I have never done that but EUSA1 I believe has the tools and knowledge on how to do it and he live about 90 miles from me and can be bribed with a couple of root beers at his favorite place in Oglesby, Illinois.
  24. Well I don't lug it but that is what it feels like when I am under power It doest smooths out at really high rpms.
  25. So you gius think I should sync the carbs before I replace the diaphrams? I guess the sync is cheaper than replaceing and then finding out they weren't bad.
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