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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. Not sure why this bothers people so much. it isn't harley riders, it isn't gold wing riders, or sport bike rides or people with helmets or people with out helmets. It''s every type pf person that waves and ever type that doesn't. Sometimes they don't see you, sometimes there are so many bikes they get tired of waving. Man you are on you motorcycle enjoying the ride don't let something as little as a person not waving spoil your day. Smile when they don't and enjoy the wind.
  2. IN Case anyone cares I LOVe my Royal Star Venture. I love that you can see the motor, I love the forward controls verses my feet going straight down. I can ride it for hours and hours. I guess the chirp is a pain but I really don't pay to much attention. I read on here where people keep trying to change something and figure out things but I don't have the time. I bought mine to ride and we rode 39,000 miles last year living in Illinois so you can see we don't have time to complain or try and change the bike. Again I love my bike. Oh yea and by the way I have a goldwing in the garage.
  3. WOW I was just through there and could have used a carb sync or at least a check. I put new diaphrams in the carbs and I should really check the sync I suppose. Maybe I will get lucky at Scooter Bob's MD next weekend and somebody will mhave the tool and know how.
  4. Forgot to ask does anyone have tire tools and has anyone done tires in case I can get some ordered and in in time?
  5. Hey Brother, I have a few air mattress's If I decide can Shirley and I do floor space instead of tent space. We will be coming Friday Night leaving here around 5:30 so will be in around 9:30 pm if that is ok. 250 mile ride or so from our house. Should be a great evening ride. Will GPS bring me to your addresss? PS other than drinks what can we bring? Don't tell me nothin we are gonna bring somethin you know how women are about showing up empty handed. Brats, Chips, Cookies........what.
  6. I switched from State Farm at 394.00 per year to Dairyland at 307.oo per year and now just switched to Markel with a smaller deductable and am now paying $154.00.
  7. Why is it on hold? 97 degrees is warm enough to ride........well for me it is.
  8. Let me ask the wife and I will get bacl to you
  9. Hummmm............. Did they Say meet them on the 9th at 11:00 O'Clock or was it the 11th at 9:00 O'Clock
  10. I can help with the clutch upgrade. I remember someone asking. I also can do diaphrams fopr the carbs in anyone needs that. Oh an I can also open and drink beer.............Wow multi tasking at it;s best. See ya in a couple of weeks Rick and Shirley :bighug:
  11. The E3's are still available according to the dunlap tire rep I just talked to. Try looking for a MV 85/15 size for the rear which is the number for the goldwing. I think you will find it that way. I wear out about 2 sets of them a year and just ordered a set last week. I get about 14,000 miles out of them on the back and could go about 18,000 on the front but change both when the rear gets thin. If you can't dind them the guy I order from could probably get you a set and have them shipped to you instead of him.
  12. I'd love tp ride with you but it's about 300 miles from my house to yours. Now if you wanted to meet someplace between Madison and Janesville that would be doable
  13. All I did was apply bees wax. My tank bra is just like the air covers and I have had it on a month and the water doesn't spot it or anything. It will show some spots till it drys but looks like new then. I apply the bees wax about every 2 weeks. But I also ride about 1500-2000 in two weeks
  14. Really mine worked fine. In fact I bought a couple for the plastic deal that goes around the gas cap also.
  15. NO buy it at auto zone or advance auto but buy the 50/50 mix with no silicants and it says safe for alumiinum motors. If you are not sure get it at a motorcycle dealer. A little more money but better of than to get the wrong kind
  16. Ace Hardware, I bought new ones there and they have them in chrome and stainless steel
  17. That had to be it... Change of plans My friend, Shirley and I will have to meet you saturday morning in Riverside. We are going to see a friend in Iowa City Friday night
  18. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/230285_1946757462963_1063337614_32116460_538682_n.jpg Just noticed that the date in the picture is incorrect. Must have had the battery go dead at some point
  19. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/230285_1946757462963_1063337614_32116460_538682_n.
  20. maybe this worked
  21. Ummm can't get the pictures to download for some reason
  22. No Doubt Mike
  23. Well, I put new diaphrams in the carbs and man did it make a world of difference. I only rode it about 20 miles but it is so much smoother. I am not sure but I believe it is better than when I bought it last july. So now I know what it was and next time I'll replace them first. By the way, replacing the diaphrams was one of the easiest things I have ever done to a bike. It tokk me about 45 minutes from start to finish. I believe I need to resync the carbs but my friend EUSA1 said he would do that for me. I will be ready for riding now.
  24. What did you find when you opened them up? I just put new air filters in. I ordered 4 new diaphrams today. I got a pretty good price from my loacl dealer $99.23 including sales tax. The bike is 11 years old so can't hurt to change them. As for the seafoam I have run plenty through the tank, I run a few ounces threw it ever 8-10 tanks which is every 2-3 weeks. I checked the plug wires but will check them again. Hopefully the new diaphrams solve the issue.
  25. Well they are easy to change and not very expensive so wouldn't hurt I guess to change them.
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