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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. Aussie Annie and Allan made it to our place in Eureka, Illinoi. So far a great visit. Going to take them to the Route 66 museum tomorrow. Good Day mate
  2. The Audio system on the venture works exactly like the Goldwings. It is the same system.
  3. Now I really feel stupid, I didn't even pay attention to the original title on this post and just ASSumed it was about Ausie Annie. then after what freebird said and I Replied I got to thinking wait a minute they are in Arkansas not ohio and they should sort of be heading east. So I says What the heck is going on is the 60's and 70's catching up with me so I reread the posts and now I am feeling much better thank you Stupid id as stupid does:
  4. Really, I have recieved 2 or 3 pm's first asking if my offer was still good and 2nd telling me they would be here Monday evening at about 5:00pm and wanted to take us oout to eat and wanted to know if it would be alright in they hung around til Wednesday. I told them I would take off Tuesday and so would Shirley and we would show them around Now I am Confused. Suppose they didn't realize where Eureka, Illinois was?
  5. OK as for a meet and eat anyone who wants to come by tuesday is very welcome to. As for your western star venture plenty of parking a block away and as you know you are always welcome at my house. Thinking maybe root beers in Ogelbys tuesday night. Anyway come one come all. Rick and Shirley
  6. Sounds like Shirley and I are going to have the honor of having them at our house for a couple of days. We are looking forward to meeting them.
  7. Swear I say you guys today (Thursday) But it wasn't on the Interstate. It was on Hwy 117. Must have been a coincidence because I saw three bikes, 2 winngs and a rstd all loaded down, rain gear on and they looked like they were ready for a long ride. If it was you guys I was the rider on the RSV MM Edition ps Hwy 117 is off I-74 just befor Peoria, Il. If it was you I passed you just as you came into the town Of Eureka, Illinois
  8. Deep Cycle Marine battery and a cheap charger. It will get you home. Don't run anything other than head lights, no stero nothing else.
  9. Hey we rented a house for a week in Canaan Valley WV the first week of September. Going to ride from Illinois out there and do a weeks worth of riding around. Send me some of the roads you took so we can enjoy also. We rented a house for a week for under $700 and 3 couples are going so really cheap. here is a link to the house. They have like 45 of them so you can go big with lot's of bedrooms or cozy for you and Momma. Bryan 52577 and his special lady are going with us also. http://www.clearstay.com/Vacation+Rentals/US-West+Virginia-Canaan+Valley/PropertyDetails.aspx?unit=1495-48176
  10. You didn't get the Hive's from them did you............... I can't believe I just said that:shock3:
  11. Doesn't work with the headsets only on the speakers
  12. Mine also, She can't hear unless I turn it up to about 20 or so. I found a lower cord that has a plug in it for ear buds so I am going to try that and do away with the speakers in the helmet. If that works then I will get me one also and do away completely with all the speakers in both helmets and use the ear buds for both of us,
  13. Hey why does Clay get to be a supporting member two times necxt to his name. Am I not as important?
  14. Scooter Bob, Glad you done good. Don't rush the recovery. Take care of yourself my friend Rick and Shirley
  15. Looks like a bike lift for a first gen to me
  16. They now make the Dunlap 461 E II again. I just put one on the back and ordered one for the front
  17. This is what I run also. I get close to 18,000 out of mine. I just replaced the rear due to a screw in the tire and it had 16,200 on it and could have went a couple more or so.
  18. Scooter and Mrs Scooter, Thank You, Thank You Thank You, we had such a great time. You all opened up your house and made us feel like we had been friends for years. You messed up though.................now you won't be able to shed us. We will show up when you least expect us. . Great meeting all the Jeff's at times I thought there was an echo in the garage. Dan you are a hoot don't change love ya the way you are. Again thanks to everyone and especially the Scooters. We meet up with EUSA1 and Mrs EUSA1 on the way home. We were cruising down the road and they came up behind us so we stopped for a rootbeer and sandwich. They said hello to everyone exceot IHTRUCKGUY they said since he rode a 1st gen he didn't count.........or was it he couldn't count. Just funnin ya Dan. Bob good luck tomorrow text me or post something to let us know how things went........ Inguiring minds minds want to know. Good Job:bighug:
  19. Jeff wish you and the mes could have stayed, we enjoyed meeting you both but I know how it is when duty calls you have to go to work so you can keep riding.
  20. I am glad he explained because I was a wondering how the heck I was gonna see them in the garage Scooter Bob as for the tires I appreciate the offer but I kind of favor the Dunlap e'3s I had a set of the Avons and I just didn't like them. Good tire but just wasn't to my liking. See you all Friday Night.
  21. Scooter Bob, tell your friendthanks for the offer but no tires before we leave so I will just have to come up and drink beer..............and I can open them for others also.
  22. If you still need some let me know I have a set you can have.
  23. 38,000 miles, went with the Barnett Clutch Spring update and solved all my issues. Took me about 1 hour to do the upgrade. I am glad I did. It is a little stiffer clutch pull but I like the results
  24. Scooter Bob, If the tires come in before I leave yes I am if not no biggy. I really need a carb sync and that's abot it for me. Really coming up to help out and hang and drink a brew or 12. See ya Friday evening.
  25. I can help with the clutch if you need it. I have done mine. will have a torque wrench with me in case we need one which we will if we do the clutch upgrade
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