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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. I'd ride up for it
  2. Send me you address and I will ship them to you. No Charge
  3. How many you need one or two. This may sound crappy but I can fix you up at no charge but you need to be a member of this forum first.
  4. I use to work there, If you call talk to Jackie Taylor she will take care of you and tell her I had you call
  5. Yes it is, probably for the next 5 years and by then it will have 150,000 miles on it and will be time to find another Venture with low miles and start over again.
  6. This is what I started with [ATTACH=CONFIG]103833[/ATTACH ] This is it after I completed the rebuild
  7. I changed mine when I changed bikes due to the brightnedd. I had a Very bright blue display and would have to put a piece of black tape over it at night. I went with a dimmer green one and a little smaller and I like it much better.
  8. OK first off, I recognize that wall behid the bike. #2 It looks pretty good for it's age and setting for 10 years, 3rd what are you doing starting a used bike shop? that gives you what 3 bu=ikes plus the one you are buying in April so thats 4 bikes. O' I forgot couldn't you sleep? posting pics at 3:30 am
  9. I booked a room for the wife and I at the Acorn motel 4 nights 300 bucks.
  10. My wife and I are going and was wondering if anyone wanted to split one of the sleeping cabins. We plan on Arriving 8/17 and departing 8/21. Let me know so I know whether to reserve a cabin or camp site Rick & Shirley
  11. Remember, As I learned a few years back DO NOT go to eat and leave your bike at the camp sis with the saddlebags and truck open. They will fill up with water
  12. Orlin, Shirley and I are thinking about taking Friday before and Tuesday after Memorial Day off and coming up for 3/4 days Just to hang out. Maybe do some riding, fire watching, have a beer or three and definitely some German Pizza and my favorite place. What do you think. ps Bryan is thinking about it also
  13. MT Evans, Highest paved Road in USA. 14,200 feet to th top. It is an Awesome ride and a little scary also, Do the hwy 14 thru Poudre River Canyon to Walden, CO then up to laramie, wy and stop at the oldest Prison west of the Mississippi. Was the first prison to house women. Annie Oakley spent time there. Black Canyon of the Gunnisons is great also. Anywhere you go south of I-70 and west of I-25 os a awesome adventure on a bike
  14. Orlin and Sharon, as much as we hate to miss being at your place for anything and the great time we always have Shirley and I will not be able to make it, We are gonna be Grandparents for the fist time and our Daughter is due June 29th 2016. I am thinking Shirley will want to be there when that happens. I will also by the way.
  15. Was a little bit of a down year for the wife and I but we still got in 21,300 miles. Hit the 155,000 mile mark on our RSV
  16. The wife and I are in
  17. This is what I have. Plugs into aux jack. I opened up the fairing and ran a spliiter of the jack and ran the aux cord up the handlebars so I didn't have to leave the cassette door open. http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-SIRIUS-STRATUS-6-SATELLITE-RADIO-VEHICLE-KIT-SV6TK1BC-/191750749437?hash=item2ca53c3cfd:g:vOoAAOSwT6pV3FCB
  18. I will take them Brother, No worries I am leaving Saturday for Florida an won't be back til 12/1/15 so I will get with you when I get back. Thank You My Friend Rick
  19. how much for the original ones?
  20. Anyone have any for sale or know where I might find some. I have a set off of my millennium but they are etched saying Millennium Edition. So thay won't work on my Midnight. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Rick
  21. So you are thinking about changing bikes because of a couple days a year of riding? You also say you love your Venture. I personally wouldn't worry about a couple days a year. Plus what little you get behind in the curves you can make up by just twisting the throttle a little more on the straights. I have found that if they ride the curves faster than I can then they may be just riding to fast.
  22. I know this will disappoint some of you but I have decided to rebuild the bike so there will not be any parts available.................Sorry
  23. I ran 42 miles on reserve and put in 5.38 galons/ Not sure how much farther I could have went but wasnt going to try. I was on the Natchez Trace.
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