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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. Man them are just kids............
  2. :wel_ani3Tay:Well first off welcome and everyone know the 2000 MM edition Venture is faster than all the other models.
  3. Randy, I have been through what you are going through but with both eyes and they can fix it. Call me and I will tell you my story and what they did. And what I have done since to control by diabetis. Rick
  4. Well I got the fiana:confused24:l estimate and it came in at $6300 parts and labor. I had them take off a couple parts and some labor to get it down to $5200. The bike is only worth $6800 and I was afraid at the higher estimate they would want to total the bike and the only things really wrong with it are crash bars, lower fairings both mufflers and a small dent in fuel tank. But man are the part expensive. The front fender has a little ding which I had them take off and the middle assembly on the exhaust has a little ding in the chrome. Those 2 items alone are like $1000. We will see what happens.
  5. No need to run anything higher than 87 octane unless the bike pings. The higher octane is only for preignition problems. As for fuel milage the guy getting 32 all the time has an issue with the bike. At 55-65 I get 40mpg 65-75 i get about 35 or so and at 90 I get about 29. Pulling a trailer I get about 30-34 depending on the speed.
  6. Doubt I will have it fixed by then because of the ribs. I thought I'd just wait and do it after riding season. I will be in the market for some used parts this way I can get things cheaper and since I laid it down I am thinking it needs more Safety Chrome. I hadn't noticed the dent in the tank from my knee so that added $1300 At least I can still ride it so we won't miss the leaf lookers.
  7. Dan which model do you have? I buy my cords for under $40. I will look at my newest one but if I remeber right the cord for it was $100 but founf that a different cord (earlier model) worked fine.
  8. Thanks everyone for the well wishes, Got just the parts list estimate so far and we are at $3100 just in parts. Gonna have to be careful on the labor costs so we don't get at the 80% worth and they total it. I will do the work myself so the dealer said he'd show what i wanted if it got to high.
  9. There are better speakers to upgrade to. But the stereo itsself isn't to powerfull in the first place
  10. You know I had a Crotch Rocket pull up beside me at a stoplight and want to race me. I thought about it for a little while and since we were in Illinois and it was flat and straight I said sure. Well I beat him Badly. His mistake was asking me where to and I said Denver.........
  11. Dan, U-Haul motorcycle trailer. $15.95 per day. Drive it up tie it down and haul Azz
  12. Dan to much work just go buy a new truck:clap2:
  13. Now that was cruel, with broken ribs and you make me laugh like that..............OUCH:crying:
  14. Mine Does............................................When Willie Plays it:big-grin-emoticon:
  15. Why was it parked when we went by:stirthepot:
  16. Goose, you don't see how someone might take this reply wrong. It comes across a little condescending or at least to me it does.
  17. Only when it's on.......sorry was just funnin ya. The only time I can hear mine is if I shut the bike off and then turn it back on. If I am in traffic or moving I can not hear it. I didn't know there was a light that came on on these
  18. That is why I posted this, if it helped one person to think and remember I am happy about that.
  19. WOW, Nice new paint Job...............Does it scare away the other bugs:think:
  20. :happy34:I believe the reason Harley gets trashed a little more than most is because of the "but it ain't a Harley statements from so many people when they see your bike and say how purdy it is but as soon as they find out it ain't a harley the attitude changes. Harley has done a great job with their marketing and have created a cult like image when it comes to their products. Those of you that ride a Harley must know that a large percentage of Harley people and for that matter even people who don't ride a bike have the look down your nose attitude about anyone who rides anything that isn't Harley made. I for one do not understand why people put down what belongs to other people. It's disrespectful and shows a lack of maturity on their part. I love the Electra Glide Ultra Classic, I would ride one except for a few reasons, First Price: can't bring myself to spend $24,000 to $30,000 on a motorcyle. #2 It's air cooled and any air cooled bike is not going to run the miles that a water cooled motor will. #3, I can buy a really great bike used with low miles on it for under $8000 and ride it for 10 years and get another one and do the same. I can ride for 20 years with a initial investment or under $20,000. There is no way I can do that if I buy Harley's. But Still love their looks and the way they sound if you put the right exhaust on them. Not the ear shattering exhaust. Just My 2 cents worth
  21. You plan to stop riding in your middle 60's? Why
  22. Yes it was, making me laugh hurts but then to poke me in the ribs well that's just cruel.
  23. The "rookie mistake" was hitting my front brake on wet roads while riding in the middle of the lane. An experienced rider like me knows better than to do that. I didn't hit it hard but with the rain and the oil that tends to be in the middle of the road when you are in town it makes for a bad situation and then to use your front brake..................
  24. No Was afraid to touch it.
  25. Well, While Mike (eusa1) and I were riding back from B2Mom and Dads in the rain and I made a rookie mistake and am paying for it today. I was riding in the middle of my lane and went to slow down and just touched my front brake (stupid stupid) well the next thing I know I am on the pavement sliding and so is the bike. I slammed to the pavement very hard and hit my head very hard ( had on Helmet) and slammed my body hard also. Before me and the bike stopped sliding the bike spun and my head ended up under the front of the bike. Well I remember the bike going down and then the next theing I remember is Mike asking....Hey Buddy Are you hurt, can you hear me, hey are you hurt? Then I hear him tell a guy that was offering to help lift the bike up. DO NOT GRAB ANYWHERE EXCEPT THIS BLACK HANDLE. Well about that time I became undazed and told Mike I thought I was OK. I remember thinking when I hit my head WOW I am glad I have my helmet on. I also remember thinking OH NO my bike. Well I got lucky and It didn't hurt the bike to bad Rode it on home from Murray, KY. Went to the hospital when I got home and ended up with craked ribs, Chest contussion (sp) and a scaped and bruised elbow. I am very sore and it hurts to move but I will be OK. So the moral is...........No matter how much you ride or how much experience you have do not forget what you know and get to comfortable. Always remember the little things. It could have been worse for me and all because I forgot for just a second about the little things I learned. But as you all probably guessed it only took me about a 1/2 a second after I touched the brake to remember that I shouldn't have done that.
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