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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. You are welcome Mike, Now I don't need to buy one I'll just come by your house:thumbsup2:
  2. Dag gum that is funny:clap2:
  3. Dan Remember.................no pics, it didn't happen.
  4. https://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=2276097875706&set=a.2276096715677.117489.1646503444&type=1&theater
  5. Kevin, If you need me to or want me to I can ride it home for you. I would ride to your palce and then you can take me up to pick it up and I would ride it home for ya. This way I could also let you know if it seems to be fixed correctly. My cell is in my profile if you would like me to do that. I can do it any day next week as long as it is not raining. Rick
  6. My Guess isx it is a 2nd gen. The little thing sticking down is probably the AIS valve and if the stand is on right it should not be hitting it.
  7. Welcome, I live in Central Illinois 318 miles of roads with 11 curves
  8. I had a lady ask me why in the world would you take your bike grocery shopping? I told here because I can.
  9. Anyrthing is possible. I would contact the dating company plus I would cancel my membership or at least change my passwords for the sirte.
  10. Mike, It had been so long for me to drive my car that when I went to run up to the grocery store to pick up some supplies for our ride up to the leaf lookers ride in wisconsin the battery was dead and the car wouldn't start. So I did what any biker would do and I hooked up the trailer and took the bike.
  11. Dan if you shoot a few of them and eat them the ones you miss will tell all their friends about this crazy hillbilly shooting and eating their freinds and the rest will stay away.
  12. Just call ahead and you are welcome here anytime.
  13. Meneither. I always looked in the profile if I didn't know the state flag. This is nice
  14. My Daughter works at Menards part time while attending College and she let me know that Menards sells Sea Foam there adn the regular price is $6.48 a can. So went there today to see and sure enough so I bought a couple of can for all the cars, mowers and motorcycles.
  15. Darn Jeff you are making me hungry
  16. I can't stand it I know you olanned it But I'm gonna set it straight this watergate I can't stand rocking while I'm here Cause your crystal ball ain't so crystal clear....... I'm 56
  17. No you do not. I don't have a goldwing any longer. Triple A won't tow your bike unless you have RV coverage. Here is a link to rescue plus you can check it out http://www.gwrra.org/Scripts/4Disapi.dll/4DCGI/store/StoreItems.html?Action=Find_Store_Items&Time=-882736109&SessionID=9835953731270hmaw4ajw89991b579f8h61l9y72wora84u969na9av050p028f2
  18. Seeing this post about getting his bike towed made me think about mytowing plan. I am a member of Gwrra (Goldwing Road Riders Association) I became a member when I rode a wing and have kept it. I pay $60.00 a year to be a member and this includes a thing called rescue plus. This covers me and my family (wife and daughter) in anything they are riding in or driving. They will come and get you and tow you up to 100 miles, not the closect place but a place of you choice, they will also bring gas, unlock your car if keys are in it, change a tire or what ever. They will also do this up to 11 times a year. The best thing is when they do the work you do not owe anything what so ever. It has been a life saver for us. In the last year we have had my p/u towed 2 times, the wifes car 1 time my daughter has unlocked 3 different peoples cars she was with and I had Aussie Annies Harley Trike towed when it broke down on the way to Vogel (when Harley wouldn't come and get the brand new bike) You also get a magazine every month with the membership. For those that have other tow deals you might want to check into it. For those that have daughters who are at home or college it is worth the peice of mind knowing she is a phone call away from help coming.
  19. I think you will find out the John Deere will be covered under the Home Owners and the Bike will be covered under its own insurance policy. If your car is stolen from the garage it is not covered under your home owners same way with a boat. If it is insured then the policy it is insured under covers it unless it is something that falls under your liability part of your home owners such as a tree falling on your bike or car. This is what I was told my my agent a feww years ago when I asked the question.
  20. Orlin, will we get to see it at the leaf lookers ride?
  21. Crap Dan.. WE ARE STILL going to have the party we had planned anyway.
  22. Orlin, Me and my wife Shirley are in if you have it. We went to Scooter Bobs and Karens this past summer and had a Great time. Scooter Bob and Karen put on a nice weekend and made us feel like we had been friends forever.
  23. I didn't really enjoy mine Dan...
  24. You won't like the Kawasaki after riding the Valkyrie
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