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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. Annie, If you want I can deliver it to you if you win for a small charge:big-grin-emoticon:
  2. So what you are sayin is she (the little woman) isn't very fast
  3. It's the warden..........................DONT ANSWER THE DOOR...............SEE DAN RUN.........Run Dan Run
  4. Orlin This should be put on the calender so everyone can see it and make plans to attend. Also may want a sign up so you can get a number of how many.
  5. I'll 2nd that:bawling:
  6. I like that one better, Unless of course it's on yammer dan :thumbdown:then no way
  7. Lew, did you hear that................he called you OLD
  8. Lew make sure they think and check for Miniere's disease. My Dad had this and it took them years to figure it out. The treatment is best done when discovered early. Symptoms: Symptoms of Meniere's disease include tinnitus (ringing in the ear), vertigo (severe dizziness), fluctuating loss of hearing and the feeling of pressure or pain in the affected ear.
  9. Did you ask them why so much? Shouldn't take more than 4 hours plus the shims. Man their hourly rate must be pretty high or they want a bunch of money for shims.
  10. And where are you going?
  11. I had them go over mine one time at 3:00 am at a Casey's just because I didn 't have eye protection on. I was out of state and explained to the officer that I had a full fairing and winsheild but he said it didn't matter. He was a local small town cop and I guess was bored.
  12. Like to see them on a Venture to see if they mount ok and what kind of room there is
  13. My Wife and I are taking another cruise in January and we are taking our 20 year old daughter and her best friend with us this time. Anyway we got to talking and was wondering if people on here would be interested in a "Venturerider.org" cruise? For those that haven't been on a cruise you will either love them or hate them. This will be our 5th cruise in the last 10 years so needless to say we enjoy them. A cruise is really cheap considering what you get. I can put a cruise together leaving from either New Orleans, Tampa, or Cape Canaveral going to a couple of different places for about $675 per couple. This does not include transportation to the port the ship leaves from. These are 5 days cruises and would go to Grand Cayman Islands, Cozumel, Mexico, Progresso, Mexico or a combination of them. Anyway just thought I'd throw this out in case people would want to try and do something. I would do all the leg work and get us the best deals and set everything up. Leave your thoughts and we can move forward from here. Rick
  14. Gary, I could stop by the next time I am at my Aunts in Norwalk. All Joking aside, my Family is from your area. I lived in Willard and Plymouth when I was a kid and have family in New London/Fitchville area and Wooster so maybe next time I am over we can hook up Rick
  15. A couple of things that really brightened up the road for me were First I took off my sun glasses at night Second I went with 50 watt aircraft landing lights in both my passing lights. Talk about lighting up the road. WOW. Only problem is every now and then in the day time I get people telling me that I am number one.
  16. I keep hearing about how much faster the first gens are verses the 2nd gens but I have never had a 1st gen pass me. Been passed by a few 2nd gens, 1 goldwing a kawasaki ninja and some sort of old Rat bike but never a first gen.
  17. Bryan I didn't know you were such a world traveller
  18. A BoiledEyebadger
  19. You know Bryan, I can deal with you being a Hawkeye but after all the riding we have done I now find out you are a Badger also...................Man this hurts:crying:
  20. I sent him a email to see if he really was trying to sell used plugs
  21. Very nice and by the way I am not a Buckeye I Am A Boilermaker
  22. He is "famous" for spreading the crap around as you have found out:buttkick:
  23. Eck, was you still cold when you posted this. Appears you were still shaking:rotf:
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