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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. This One http://www.abcarcade.com/shoot-the-moose.html
  2. Rick Haywood


    Well I have come up with 2 ideas first I am going on a cruise in two weeks for 7 days then we all have been invited to KIC's place in Tucson Arizona for a bike week at his place. I am in charge of the midwest group so someone will have to take care fo the southern, eastern and canadian group.
  3. It's Christmas did I already miss it? means only 87 days till spring....................
  4. Thanks Dan I appreciate you:think:
  5. You will learn to love him as we all do.......for some reason you just can't help it:whistling:
  6. Way to unsable to pull with a bike.....don't do it
  7. OK Dan............this has got to be you posting under an assumed name (kic) or yopur twin brother. :doh: I did notice in KIC's profile that he offers lodging so I am thinking winter road trip to southern Arizona is in the works. I will get the Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin group together someone else get the east coast and Canada riders. Man won't he be surprised when a few of us show up.
  8. OIL You mean you have to put oil in them 1st gen's:whistling:
  9. OK Steve...............I am confussed. You live in Ontario but have Illinois plates on the scooter:think:
  10. Say it ain't so.............another first gen owner, just what this board needs
  11. Not enough Christmas tequila cake.
  12. DING DING DING.................we have a winner:clap2:
  13. I would go a bit out of my way and meet you guys in Savanah, Ga and ride down from there with you all.
  14. I am not sure this is a true statement, I "insist" on Diet coke and I don't gorge myself on everything that is full of fat &i sugar. Plus a bunch drink it for the taste
  15. I run Yamalube 10/40. I keep the gallon Jug because the bike holds 3.5 quarts with filter so everytime I change the oil I pour the extra in the the gallom jug I kept. I ride a lot so I change my oil about every month or so. Before you know it I have another 3.5 quarts for the next oil change. I change mine at 4,000 miles ,
  16. Did you make that from a step bumper mount hitch?
  17. Diamond R Passenger Highway Pegs It also wants the trailer painted to match With a Bib just like the one on the Bike And More Chrome. Don't need diamond cut fins..................got them already:clap2:
  18. I have found Key West the place to stay for a couple of days. But remember if you hit a spring break week it will be packed and hard to find places to stay. I love the ride through the keys and have done it twice. Remember when in the keys there is no free parking on the streets. Even if there are no meters you must walk to the corner and put your money in the box get your card and place on the bike. Even if 2 bikes are in one spot both still need the card. I learned the hard way. $75 parking ticket. I might also ride down and join everyone.
  19. No point in changing when you have it right
  20. Sorry I offended you, But I didn"t direct the post at you, if you will reread my post I said 'You all' not, hey Mel, which meant everyone. As for the make it to retirement statement I have been retired for 2 years.
  21. It seems there is a lot of talking about the price of sea foam and I see that it runs between $7 & $10 most the time. I was wondering how much of this stuff you all use to be worried so to speak about buck or two. I use a couple of cans a year and I ride about 35,000 miles a year and that is more than enough fo me.
  22. Count Shirley and I in
  23. Smart move....................one step ahead:moped:
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