In the little town of Wapella, Il I was riding through it and noticed the same thing in an empty lot on the north side of town. As i rode past it I got pissed off so I turned it around and went back and took it down. As I was lowering the flag a police officer showed up. As he approached I greeted him with respect and told him I understood he had a job to do and I also understood I wad probably trespassing but I couldn't stand by and see this take place without doing what I felt was right. I also told him I would put it back up with the USA Flag on top and the Mexican flag underneath. He was very professional and he said he understood how I felt. He also said that the person who called could see him and they would expect at least a citation written to me. I told him I understood and he ask for ID so i gave it to him. He handed me the citation and when I looked it was a warning. I smiled and told him thanks. I proceeded to finish replacing the flags and we both then left. I see they have put up another flag pole now and fly the American flag on the taller one. The point of my story is sometimes you can win even when you are maybe doing something that may not be perfectly legal.