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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. I am surprised nobody suggested this but there is an adjustment screw on the brake handle itself that if you adjust ir to tight the same thing will happen. I adjusted mine because the cruise kept kicking off and I thought maybe the lever was to loose. I got it a little to tight and rode maybe 100 feet and the bike stopped and I couldn't get the front brake to release. I turned out the adjustment screw a half turn and bingo off I went.
  2. In the little town of Wapella, Il I was riding through it and noticed the same thing in an empty lot on the north side of town. As i rode past it I got pissed off so I turned it around and went back and took it down. As I was lowering the flag a police officer showed up. As he approached I greeted him with respect and told him I understood he had a job to do and I also understood I wad probably trespassing but I couldn't stand by and see this take place without doing what I felt was right. I also told him I would put it back up with the USA Flag on top and the Mexican flag underneath. He was very professional and he said he understood how I felt. He also said that the person who called could see him and they would expect at least a citation written to me. I told him I understood and he ask for ID so i gave it to him. He handed me the citation and when I looked it was a warning. I smiled and told him thanks. I proceeded to finish replacing the flags and we both then left. I see they have put up another flag pole now and fly the American flag on the taller one. The point of my story is sometimes you can win even when you are maybe doing something that may not be perfectly legal.
  3. I'd change the tires, do the oil change and plugs myself and ride the heck out of it. And there are plenty of members who will sync the carbs for you
  4. Why not just buy this one https://www.amazon.com/Caltric-VENTURE-XVZ1300-XV-Z1300-2008-2013/dp/B0143AYULW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1471699043&sr=8-1&keywords=1300+yamaha+fuel+pump
  5. Here is even a better price http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Fuel-Pump-For-Yamaha-1300-XVZ13-XVZ1300-Royal-Star-1996-2013-/331369030356?fits=Make%3AYamaha%7CModel%3ARoyal+Star&hash=item4d272222d4:g:1yUAAOSwubRXNS93&vxp=mtr
  6. Well 6 months doesn't mean anything if the bike sets in the garage. I will have ridden close to 20,000 miles in 6 months is that a good enough test.
  7. You will be lucky to get 4,000 miles out of them and when you get up to around 75 mph and think wonder why the bike has a vibration you will know
  8. I ordered this fuel pump for the venture and it is a plug and play OEM pump for a lot less thay Yamaha wants. https://www.amazon.com/Conpus-Yamaha-Venture-Xvz1300Tf-1999-2009/dp/B01K7GPLK0/ref=sr_1_247?s=automotive&ie=UTF8&qid=1471658764&sr=1-247&keywords=royal+star+venture+accessories
  9. We are leaving Friday Night the 5th riding 250 miles that night then having breakfast with some great friends then heading to Sturgis Saturday after Breakfast so if you all head out keep in touch and maybe we can meet up someplace.
  10. I will let you know and you all be safe and have a great time
  11. Anyone headed to Sturgis this year? The wife and I will be there fron the 7th to the 14th.
  12. Problem is people seem to think higher grades of gas means better gas. Not true. Higher grade is to stop and ping in the motor.
  13. How do you keep the air off the tire when you ride it LOL
  14. I have used them numerous times with no issues. I pretty much bought everything I needed to rebuild a wrecked bike I bought and they came through for me.
  15. Set some dates and I would be interested. Going to Ashville in August so that week is out
  16. Don't drill them they will sound like crap. I am not dure but if road king tke offs will slip on that is the best way to go. They sound good and you can buy them all day long on ebay for 40 bucks or so
  17. Make sure your speed control for volume is set at 5 and see what happens
  18. I have a set of engraved CCarb Covers that say Millennium Edition on them and I am wantng t trade with someone who has a MM Editon that has plain carb covers. Sold the bike and now have a Midnight. If interested in trading PM me. Thanks
  19. I removed mine 4 years ago and the only thing i noticed different is when stopping I sometimes get a brake squeal that was never there before.
  20. there is also a set screw on the front brake lever you can adjust so the handle doesn't move and cancel the cruise. Mine was doing it all the time and wouldn't even set sometimes, I adjusted the screw and solved my problems. Warning DO NOT set it to tight our when you are riding the front brke will slowly get tighter and tighter till you stop. Voice of experience
  21. First off great looking bike. I was wondering why you had to drill holes in your windshield for you dash pouch? I have what appears to be the same one and I just slid mine down behind the windshield and then put the outer fairing on and it is very tight and doesn't move a bit. I alsp glued felt on the backside of it so it wouldn't scratch up the inside of the windshield?
  22. Just remember you get what you pay for. I ordered a tank bib from Nanci (Ace High Leathers) 5 years ago and it still looks great after 140,000 miles. I just sold that bike and ordered another one from her and am waiting on it now. Great Quality
  23. thought ours where 1 inch
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