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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. I was 16 in 1970, Honda 305 dream. Then a honda 350 then a 59 panhead
  2. I have a guy attempting to bring me to court in small claims in Ohio over a 34 year old bike that had been setting for 18 months that I sold to him on ebay with an as iss and no warranty stated in bold letters. I told him it hadn't been ridin for a long time and as far as I knew the only things wrong were speedometer cable and it needed a new clutch cable. Well he took it home and after a month of riding it got hot so he had it towed to a dealer and it was low on water. He asked them to do an inspection and they came back ans said it needed $1700 woth of repairs. he said they told him it had the wrong clutch cable, wrong brake cables (which it has brake lines) and went on and on with little things. Shifter seal was leaking they said. I had put a new stator in it and he said the stealer told him that it charged fine but was not a new one which I am not sure how they would know but it was a new one. Anyway he sent me a certified letter showing CC to his lawyers asking for $850 towarsds the repairs. I told the guy I would do him one better and that if he gave me back the bike I would give him back his money but he wouldn't have anything to do with that so I told him to go ---- himself. I told him I could make $2000 or more by parting it out. Here are a couple of pictures of the bike Thes picture were taken the day before he came and got it. I had just rode the thing on a 6000 miles trip out west before I parked it and bought my Venture. Forgot to add I sold the bike for $1400
  3. how much for the 20 footer got pictures
  4. Only one thing I can see wrong with it.....................it's on the trailer. Enjoy it:
  5. Mark I meant to let you know that you/I can get that upgrade for less then they are showing on the webpage. I believe I paid $110
  6. Yes I have that one in mine and I like it. It is a little stiffer on the pull. Now sit back and wait for it:stickpoke:
  7. Did you learn that from experience???
  8. Remember a couple of things, Is he collect unemployement and als if paying cash $13.00 per hour is really liike $16.00 per hour.
  9. I see there is a 07 for $7500 in the classifieds
  10. Of the things i have done to my bike I believe this is one of the best things I have done. No more flexing when you put your feet on the highway pegs plus if you drop the bike the crash bars don't bend and break the mounting bracket inside the lower fairing. Well worth the time and effort to install:thumbsup2:
  11. If you plan on keeping the bike till it is wore out then take the 2000. Unless of course the 07 wasn't put into service till like 2010 then maybe because of the warranty but then again other than the shock nothing really goes wrong with these bikes:thumbsup2:
  12. When you guys say you are hoping for better milage out of them what are you hopintg to get or what are you getting now? I get about 17,500-19,000 out of my rear tire and around 22,000-24,000 out of the front (both e3's). I ride 2 up about 75% of the time and do not take off or slow down quickly. I do ride a lot of miles a year though, around 32,000 a year
  13. I have ridden the dragon 7 or 8 times and I must go at the exact right time because I can not remember seeing a cop on it. Not that it would matter to me because I don't ride it hard anyway. Well I did ride it pretty hard during vogel last year chasing Bubba on his first gen till my brakes went out.
  14. Are you doing the Cayman Island, Jamaica and Cozumel. If so in Cozumel just do the shopping and looking around because after the other 2 ports there is nothing beach wise in Cozumel worth going to. Beaches in the Cayman Islands are awesome. Never been on that ship but have cruised with carnival 5 times over the last 10 years Have a great time Rick
  15. Welcome to the place. As was said any bike you buy you will love. As for things to worry about there are the shock issue and the ignition switch problems. As for what year it doesn't really matter. I bought a 2000 MM Edition on July 27th 2010 that had 17,500 miles on it. I now have 65,000 miles on it and other than the ignition switch going out a month after I bought it we have had no troubles with the bike. I am putting in new friction plates in the clutch this week and did upgrade the clutch spring at 40,000 miles. I love our bike and as you can see we ride the heck out of it I am also doing the valve adjustment this spring for the first time. Other than that the only things I have done to the bike are tires, brakes and safety chrome. Good Luck Rick :wel_ani3Tay:
  16. There is one called the 1300 tourer. http://www.1300tourer.com/
  17. Illinois: Passenger $99 B-Truck (gross weight 8,000 lbs. or less) $99 Motorcycle $39 Person's with Disabilities $99 Antique Motorcycle (5-year plate expires 12/14) $30 Antique Vehicle (5-year plate expires 12/14) $30 Trailers: Motorcycle Trailer $18 Other Trailers 3,000 lbs or less $18 3,001 lbs - 8,000 lbs $30 8,001 lbs - 10,000 lbs $38 10,001 lbs and over $50
  18. The weather here in Illinois has been amazing for this time of year. I have rideen almost everyday this past week and have gotten in 420 miles. I do not believe I have gone over 14 days this winter without riding.
  19. DO NOT go over the speed limit by more than about 4 mph on the Trace. They watch it and WILL write you a ticket. It is really tempting to speed up because of how nice the road is. The speed limit is only 50 mph and in a few places 45mph
  20. You mean the guy from WV with the initials Y D
  21. Ignition switch is a problem on the Ventures.
  22. I have the risers on mine with the chrome ignition cover. I have had it on for 30,000 miles or so and it has never cracked the cover. I also have the chrome ring around the switch its self and I had to bond the ring to the cover so it wouldn't come loose when I turned to sharp but I really do not see any issues with having any of it.
  23. If you don't use it then why are you attacking facebook and the people who use it? It isn't really any different than anything you use on the interrnet. Most everything tracks your use and they use it to advertise and sell. OK I'll get off my now
  24. Link Doesn't work
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