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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. I didn't mean to move the debate up a notch and wasn't trying to be a snob. I was really curious. Most of it from what I read was to get more miles out of your tire. I ride 30,000 miles a year so it would be nice to not have to change the rear tire 2 times a year. Mu only concern in doing this is, if that tire design is good and safe to run on the bike then why don't they make motorcycle tires that way? I say if you are comfortable with it run it. I am not as comfortable taking curves as fast as some I ride with so I go a little slower but that doesn't make me wrong
  2. What is the purpose of running a car tire? I never really understood the reasons.
  3. warm it up with a hair dryer first. It will help with getting the glue off. I removed mine and it took me forever to remove the glue.
  4. When it gets nice an 80 mile ride for saddle soap would be a nice day.
  5. Mink oil is another excellent choice,
  6. Most any farm store, Like TSC, Rural Kings or Farm and Fleets if you have them in NJ.. You may get it at a walmart but not sure. If that is what you choose get the paste kind like shoe polish. The stuff cleans and preserves your good leather nd makes it look new again here is a list of TSC Stores In NJ ALLENTOWN, BLAIRSTOWN, BRIDGETON, FLANDERS, PILESGROVE (WOODS, RINGOES, SICKLERVILLE, SOUTHAMPTON, SUSSEX, VINELAND, WASHINGTON here is a lick to local stores that handle saddlery and tac and they will have good quality stuff http://localtackshops.com/411/cities/SaddleryTack-NJ-3.html
  7. Rick's Fried Rabbit My dad and I were avid hunters, and here is my recipe for fried rabbit. It's delicious! 1 rabbit, cut up 2 T. salt 3 eggs, beaten 2 c. flour 1/2 tsp. salt 1/4. tsp pepper Cut up rabbit. In a lg. pot, fill about half way with water. Add 2 T. salt, and bring to a boil. Add rabbit, and parboil for 1/2 hr. Drain and let cool. Beat eggs in a bowl. Put flour on a plate, and mix with salt and pepper. Dip rabbit pieces, one at a time, into egg, and then flour mixture. Meanwhile, on high, heat 1/2" of oil in a lg. cast iron frying pan. When oil is hot, add rabbit pieces, one at a time into the oil. When one side is golden, flip over to the other side. Cook until golden brown and crispy. Drain each piece on a paper towel, to soak up grease. Serve hot, with your favorite side dish.
  8. I have found that good ol Saddle Soap works the best for cleaning and preserving
  9. Well from what I see we spend WAY to much of our money for gas. When gas is your #1 or #2 highest cost a month it is to much.
  10. Dan I see a corner in your future:stickpoke:
  11. Mark you can get LED's in any light you want. I have switched my Harley Light bar over to LED's. Just remember to buy the sme color light as the color of the lense. They work better
  12. My work commute is zero , The wife work is 25 miles one way so here is what we spent last year Car for work for the year $2780 Car for family travel and pleasuer $1800 Biggest cost was the Bike $3148 Total was $7728 now the monthly aveage was $644 Gas has now become my number one highest cost in my budget per month. Even higher than my house payment
  13. See there is proof
  14. Mark, Here is what you are looking for. I ordered mine from Yamaha. Do not know if there is any difference http://www.ebay.com/itm/Air-Shock-Pump-Harley-Touring-Road-King-Street-Glide-/290339057837?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&vxp=mtr&hash=item43998e70ad
  15. You know after looking at all 17 pages I have come to the conclusion that there is something about beards, Motorcycles and leather that attrack the prettiest women in the world. Seems everyone of us ugly dudes have pretty ladies by our sides. AMAZING isn't it?
  16. Order one from the dealer, about $45 but you will be happy with it and do not use anything but that small hand pump to fill the air assist shocks.
  17. WOW Elton John, Marshall Tucker AND REO. I really have PMS now. I love riding that road when we are in Southenr Indiana. Thanks for the video. We are planning a trip in that area with a bunch of friends this summer and will remember to include this road.
  18. A tire with a tube in it will also blow out easier
  19. Here is what I'd do, If you kow the date call a dealer and tell them what you need and when you need it and set up an appointment. This way you have it set and you can drop the bike off and go eat or something while you wait. Here is the Yamaha Dealer. May pay a little more but at least you have a tire without wasting all your riding time Spaceport Cycles 480 N. Washington Ave. Titusville FL 32796 Phone: (321)269-5941 Email: info@spaceportcycles.com
  20. I hate it when I pay a bill and send the larger amoumt to the wrong people. I pay everything with online bill pay and I sent my house taxes to my car payment people. Well the taxes where about 10 times as much as the car payment. Well as you would expect the bank that owns the car said they couldn't send it back but would apply it to the balance. Good news bad news. Good news it pa id the car off, bad news I still had to come up with the $4000 for my property taxes that I didn't really have.
  21. Wondee why they unhooked it from the bike instead of just taking the bike and trailer together. Must have just wanted the trailer
  22. Yea I know it was a scare tactic he said he would sue me and I toldhim to go ahead. he called me all kinds of names an threatened me. it really was a joke.
  23. it doesn't look like a spring because it is a diaphram spring
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