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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. Crap I wish I had posted this last week. I just go home from a ride to see my Brother in frt myers. Drank alot of beer at the Shell Factory in N FT Myers while down there
  2. That would be great thank you
  3. It's my therapy. When I ride everything is good no problems to worry about. Plus it relaxes me and I could never see the sights I have or met all the great people I have because of a bike
  4. Hello Guys and Gals. I am looking for a bacj rest for My 2007 Venture. Really do not like them but I have been having back issues tha past few months and found out yesterday I have Degenerative Disc Desease. Doc said if I want to keep riding I need to use a back rest for support. He made a silly statement of You probably should slow way down. Like that is gonna happen. Anyway if anyone has one for sale let me know. Thank You all
  5. Orlin, The Fluis was changed naybe 5,000 miles ago or so. I did not bleed the system fter installing the ne plates but I will do that before I leave and see if that helps. Thanks for the reply Brother. See you in a couple months
  6. Yes I did soak the new Friction plates. Actually for a couple days. Thanks I was kind of thinking after my trip next week to Ft Myers Florida and back the problem should be solved
  7. No I do not, I run the 13 inch shield also and i am a sloucher and look just under the top of the windshield. never an issue
  8. OK I have a 2007 RSV, I put in new friction plates and already had put oin a barnett clutch spring. Got eveything back to gether no leaks and the clutch lever feels perfect. I pull the lever back, start the bike and slip it into first. Perfect. Take it for a 10 mile ride and put it back and everything shifts nice and smooth. In the garage with it running and in gear there is no surging or anything but when I go to put it in neutral it will not go. I goes to 2nd then I try again and it gores back to first. I can not get it in neutral. It is pretty hard to move the shifter. If I shut the bike off no issues getting it in netrual. OK Fire away with your ideas
  9. This is the one I use. I keep my garage door opener in one, My Phone and the plug to charge and also the blue tooth adapter so I can listen to music from my phone https://www.leatherup.com/p/Motorcycle-Windshield-Bags/Tourmaster-Coaster-SL-Windshield-Bag/408091.html
  10. Problem Fixed. Moved the Barnett Pressure plate a 1/2 turn and it fixed the problem
  11. Also I can take all the clutch plates, frictions plates and the clutch spring out and it still will not pull
  12. I replaced the friction plates on the bike today and put it back together and now the clutch handle will not pull. The bike is a 2007 RSV. It does not ever set. I did not touch the clutch lever untill i had the clutch all put back together other than the housing put on. Any hel would be appreciated
  13. Amazon has them for around $12. I don't care for them. I ordered a set and used them about a week and took them off
  14. I have 2 stock mirrors for a 2nd gen and also have stock mufflers off a RSTD the bag cut ones if anyone wants either.
  15. Wanted to let you all know there is a guy named William Edwards on the Yamaha royal star venture and tour deluxe facebook site that is ripping people off. He got me for $170 He is selling parts that I am sure he doesn't have and after I figured out he is a thief i done some searching and found he has been posting the same parts all Around for over 10 months. I have a call into PayPal so hopefully they can help me out. The dude is a scumbag so beware. He lives in San Diego so I have a few buddies in clubs and they are doing some research for me JUST AN FYI
  16. Don't like it
  17. I like CowPucs Idea.
  18. Wpould Love to Ride with you... I rode some with Brake Pad so You know I dont care who I ride with. LOL
  19. I know, I'm looking forward to getting together with all the florida members. Will be glad to be out of here. Tired of the weinters. I will be riding down to Brooksville in April and then down to Fort Myers to see my Brother so maybe we can hook up then.
  20. Thought I'd let those that might care either way that The Wife and I are going to completely retire this summer and will be moving to Brooksville Florida for year round riding and to be closer to our Daughter and New Grandson.. Can't believe it is our last winter her in this messed up state
  21. 12 bucks a year WOW Freebird what you gonna do with all that money.................... I am not sure how long I have been on here but probably 7 years or so so I have spent somewhere around $80. I can tell you this I have save 10 times that much by knowing what went wrong because of everyone on here and how to fix it. Hell I saved the $80 about a month after I joined when the ignition switch went out plum in the middle of nowhere. Thank You Freebird for doing all you do to keep this upo and running.
  22. I ran shinkos one time and never again. I only got about 5000 miles out of them and for me that is about 6 weeks. I went back to the e3"s
  23. these are what I run. I had the ones you are asking about and they are floods that are designed to ;oght up a house and they didn't really work well. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Optix-4-5-30W-CREE-LED-Auxiliary-Spot-Fog-Passing-Light-Lamp-Harley-Davidson-/381850468488?hash=item58e80fc088 I run this headlight bulb. http://www.ebay.com/itm/1x-5000K-H4-HB2-9003-Hi-Lo-Beam-60W-6000LM-Motorcycle-Bike-LED-Headlight-Bulb-/142045656134?hash=item211294b446 I am very happen with the combo. I see better at night and can be seen better in the day time
  24. Don't worry about the miles if it starts and runs smooth. I believe it is priced a little high but the bike is good for another 200,000 miles. PS I love mine and have put close to 200,000 miles on them between 2 bikes in the last 7 years/ Wont ride anything else
  25. Clutch whine is annoying, Some are very loud like the one I ride now 2007, some are not bad like my 2000 which i put 150,000 miles on it I i put a clutch spring in it and a rectifier/ As for changing oil about a 10 minute job. Plug for drain is on bottom of motor like a car and has a soin on filter. you do not have to remove anything. 20,000 miles isn't many miles but you will find all kinds of them like that. The bikre is top heavy at parking lot speeds. I ride about 30,000 miles a year and it is the most comfortable bike I have ridden. vert reliablke bike. Two things, at around 30,000-35,000 miles the clutch may start slipping and will need a better clutch spring installed. About a 45 minute job and you don't have to drain the poil just leave it on kick stand. Also may have ignition switch issues at some point if it has passing lights installed without a relay. Also if you buy you will need to pay the 12 bucks and become a member because the information on here will save you lots of headaches and money. As for the carbs I sync mine about every 50,000 miles or so as needed. Pretty easy if you have a carnb tune, If not plenty on here do and will help you. As for plugs it takers about an hour to change them. gotta remove dog bones and loosen the tank. not really a big deal.
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