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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. and you went with out me........
  2. I'll be coming in on 80 to 56 from richland center myself. Well all three of us will be. See you all Saturday morning.
  3. Just change mine the Thursday before going to Dons MD, and I had change it again today. 4100 miles on the oil
  4. There is a spring in there that will come out if you don't watch for it. I just turned mine facing out to take the screws out. The one that is alone(cable4) is for the cruise.
  5. Is the oily stuff around the top of the carbs where the boots from the air box slides down over them? I had the same problem and found mine where coming loose and causing a little bits of gas to pop out at times. I actually found that the boots were turned around 180 degrees from the way they should have set in there. I turned them, cleaned everything up and the oily problem is gone.
  6. I get about 30,000 out of the rear and about 38,000 from the fronts
  7. How you gonna tell if they work or not? You having heating problems now? Also heat index has nothing to do with how warm your bike runs. If it is 95 degrees the bike don't know it feels like 102. I tried the stuff in an old GW I had and couldn't tell the difference by the guage
  8. It's because most dealers don't know how to put a venture together. I looked at 10 different bikes at Oberlin and 5 were on the left side 3 were on the right and 2 didn't have it on. (including mine)
  9. is it a 1200 or 1500? I may have still have some parts for a 1200
  10. Me too, I sometimes get guests that I didn't even know were invited to spend the night thanks to Mike
  11. OK I'll get down now
  12. if you run the pressure up to around 50-55 pounds and let it set about 10 minutes then let the air back out and run it up again it will "pop" at around 70-75 pounds.
  13. I am really confused...........some of you want your own forum so you do not have to listen to people who don't agree with you but after looking at who all has posted in this some of you are the same people who called me names, and made fun of my purple clutch upgrades with unnecessary comments because you didn't like the fact that I didn't like the diaphragm spring or the fact that I didn't buy my upgrade from a member here. Don, I know it doesn't matter and I don't mean to come across as trying to start things but having their own forum is going to start everyone wanting something because some people don't agree. This is the best forum on the internet when it comes to people watching what they say and how when it gets out of line how you can either say something to the people in the thread and it stops. There is not another site like this and the people who come here and are smart azz's and want to attack other members don't last long anyway. I stay away from a subject like the darsiders because both sides seem to get upset. Now so everyone knows where I stand on the subject I do not under stand the reasons behind a car tire other than a few more miles..
  14. Maybe we should have a section with their own mods for say.......tire balancing beads, or say maybe each brand of tires or maybe even each brand of oils, or we could have a different section for each different kind of clutch spring upgrade or one section for those who think it's ok to run a 130 on the front and a section for those who think you should only run a 150. Or how about pro guns and anti guns. WOW the possibilities are endless
  15. I put 1 1/2 inch risers on mine and didn't have to do anything thing to mine, I also cut the rubber peices down a bit and placed them on top the handlebars so they push up on the fairing. Worked great
  16. I will try and get in touch with Dan and let him know that if he brings it to MD the end of the month I will bring it home with me and I will be going To Lafayette, Indiana the 14th pf July and can take it to Dano. That is if it needs to be done. Knowing Dan he will just drop it off in the truck.
  17. ALWAYS carry appropriate weaponry where ever you go
  18. Risers worked for me and I didn't have to do anything with the cables but I ride a RSV. It cic take me a week or so to get tjem adjusted for me. i moved them a tiny bit everyday til I got them right. Good Luck
  19. Cedar rapids to newton would be a nice Saturday morning ride:thumbsup2:
  20. I went through that with both eyes. I assume you are diabetic and that is what is causing the bleeding. They took out the stuff in both my eyes and put in saline solution because the stuff in your eyes becomes sticky from being diabetic and won't let the blood dissipate. Not sure why the bubble because I never had the bubble except when I had a detached retina. I lost sight in both eyes and after 15 different procedures I can now see again, 20/40 distance but have lost some of the periphial vision in both eyes. Hang in there and do as they say and they may be able to fix things
  21. I have used Lucas Spray wax/detailer 3 times since he did mine last Saturday and washed it once. He said the detailer wouldn't hurt it and that I could wash it when I got home. He did add a little more hardener he said.
  22. I paid $68 plus shipping for all 4 of mine. Ended up around $75 COMPLETE
  23. I thought it was one of the easiest things I had ever done to a bike. Took me about 30 minutes. I used water as a lubricant to slide the diaphragms on and slide them around the groove to line up the tab
  24. Lewis, Shirley and I will make it down this year. I would prefer the Hospital
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