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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. Not when Innocent children are dying. There are a few things the government should get involved in and a bunch they should keep there noses out of. I believe this is one thing that would be worth giving up to save lives. Especially if that life is one of my loved ones who did nothing wrong except being in the path of some idiot who thinks texting a message to his girlfriend about something is more important than someones life. We may as well give everyone a pint of jack and send them down the road.
  2. The rider that was killed was a friend of one of our members.....His Name is Daryl Hollenbeck and goes by Holly on the board. My condolences my friend.
  3. yes off course that is what I meant:starz: I would also entertain the idea of hosting the thing with the proper help from my friends.
  4. I just don't park and when I do I use B2 Dads parking break that he gave me. Works great
  5. I would think northwestern Illinois would be a good place. Lots of members within a couple hundred miles to help out. There is a Motel in Savanna, Il that the lady that owns it caters to bikes and I am sure would be willing to host it for us. Covered parking, bonfires at night and she will shuttle us around if we are drinking. Also in the same town is a place called Poopy's it is a motorcycle bar, grill, tattoo parlor, store, live music on Friday and Saturday nights. Also has free camping out back. There is also a really nice campgrounds just a couple miles from all of this. There is a place called Ball town Iowa that is a nice ride for supper or lunch. About 45 miles away is JP Cycles store and the Motorcycle museum in Anamosa, Iowa. . This is just to name a few places. Also Galena, Il is a short ride and Dubuque Iowa for the dog track. Poopy's http://poopys.com/ Galena, IL http://www.galena.org/ L&M http://www.l-mmotel.com/ I added a couple of Pictures from when we stayed there after the SE Iowa M&E
  6. I will trade making it inconvenient for the passenger to save a life. My daughter lost here best friend due to texting while driving. It was such a waste and needless. You do not need a phone at every instance of your life. People are more important than you being able to use your phone. It is as simple as that. Make the phones so they can not text while the car is moving. Japan has already used that technology. When texting and driving hits a persons home and they have a loved one die because of it, it will change the way a person looks at it. It has become an epidemic on the road and is costing lives and it is time to stop it. PS when I say you I do not mean you specifically
  7. Kevin, it is in Utica, IL an here is a link http://stoneheadleather.com/
  8. Wonder how many people have to die before they make the phone inoperable when your car is moving? The program is available and can be disabled if the GPS shows the car moving.
  9. I just checked with my insurance company and u are correct. In the state of Illinois according to her it is not offered.
  10. I thought you couldn't buy insurance to cover a bile with a salvage title?
  11. I am thinking the most you will receive is $3250
  12. If they really want it there isn't much that a person can do......I secure mine with about $500 more insurance than I can replace it for. I put everything in the room that is in it and say if they want it have at it.
  13. Dan I am headed to Indianapolis next Saturday the 28th if that helps any. I will also be headed back sometime around the 7th and 14th of August So let me know if I can help, out
  14. Raise the wheel up off the ground and stick some sort of bar between the spokes on the wheel and push it up and down or maybe a better turm is side to side to see if there is any play in the wheel. If the outer bearing is going out it will move some. Mine moved about a 1/4 to 1/2 of an inch but mine was pretty shot. My back tire was also wearing a little funny. What I mean is make sure the bar is on the center of the hub and also the top of the rim at an agle so you can put pressure on the wheel to see if it moves side to side.
  15. bicycle shops have the same pump for $40 and I bought mine from Yamaha for $38
  16. I did get a "roughness" when cornering when the back wheel bearing went out. Lift up the back wheel and us a bar and see if you can move the rear wheel at all.
  17. I wouldn't spend anymore money on trying to figure it out until you have wore out those tires and put new (different) ones on the bike. It also can be caused by how much air you have in the shocks. If I get to much in the back one it gives me a little vibration.
  18. bicycle pump may not work. If I remember correctly it will not hold the air in and it comes back out as fast as you put it in. You can use a gas station air hose but only put it in for a second at a time and then check it till you get it close to what you want and then leave it alone.(DO NOT USE ON Front forks) You may take a ride to the local pubs where the bikers hang and see if any of the guys riding the Electra glides have a zero loss hand pump or if there are any bicycle shops or maybe Walmarts you might find a zero loss pump. Bicycle shops will have one. Good Luck
  19. Mine is usually around 30 pounds give or take a few pounds
  20. opened fine for me
  21. There is a black one for sale in the classifieds
  22. Ours doesn't mute either on the intercom when we talk.
  23. Ignition switch
  24. The wife and I still tent camp and enjoy it. I use my trailer to haul it all and have a queen size air mattress to sleep on. Nothing better than the smell of coffee early in the morning at the campsite. Plus I enjoy the people who always seem to come around and want to talk about the bike and how in the world we carried everything we did.
  25. hush up over there you ride RSTD not a Venture:stickpoke:
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