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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. Contact The Federal Companies, at 309-694-4500 talk to Jackie Taylor she will help you out. They are the number one motorcycle mover in the USA. She also rides and understands how we feel about our bikes.
  2. Not to worry, if this was true they would bring him back.
  3. OK You guys need to order warmer weather. The wife and I are leaving on the 16 of next month towing the bike to our daughters in Pensacola then riding down to key west and points in between. Need warm weather please.
  4. That's what I get
  5. Leondard is just to funny:thumbsup2:
  6. I stay broke because of all the great people I keep meeting, riding around the USA to see them and having meals and ice cream. But I love it:cool10:
  7. It would appear that the system knew you Jeff and was just getting a head start:rotf:
  8. You can polish them out and they look nice
  9. I always check new posts so I really don't know what forum it is in.
  10. The wife and I can put 2 weeks worth of clothes and toiletries on ours. I use the saddlebags for 2 sets of rain gear, 2 leather coats, a tool bag, 1 spray can detailler and a towel, small set of jumper cables, 2 pairs of flip flops 2 pairs of sneakers and 2 pairs of chaps. In the trunk we carry all our blue jeans, a few waters and some snacks. We then have a trunk bag that goes on the luggage rack that we carry tee shirts, socks, underwear and our toiletries in. We are leaving on 1/16 for Florida and will be riding around the state for 2 weeks and we will have everything we need on the bike for the trip. If needed we will stop and wash up a couple of things
  11. Why on earth would you EVER turn Down Sweet Home Alabama, especially when they tell you to : "Turn it Up" Time to make amends Joe....................[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uUQBC3J-7Y]Sweet Home Alabama - Lynyrd Skynyrd ( studio version ) - YouTube[/ame]
  12. If they do I am sure there will be 100's of us citizens there to block their view and they will just happen to be on motorcycles.
  13. I have 4 different gauges and everyone of them reads different by as much as 6 pounds. I go by the one that reads the 2nd highest pounds. Not sure if it is close or not but what is a guy to do. They range from cheap to $20 ones.
  14. I'd use one in the winter.
  15. Dan good luck and I really hope this one works for you. As for the "new" chain saw. You don't need a new saw you need a new chain. just sayin.
  16. The V-Star will not fit the venture.
  17. Sorry to hear about you bad luck. I wanted to let you know a very good friend of mine owns a shop and builds trikes. He has done them all and I wanted to let you know if you have any questions he would be more than happy to talk to you and answer them. He also sells trikes so maybe he might have something in your price range with reverse.
  18. The best thing I can say about this site is.............It has changed me and my wife's life. We have made so many friends that we couldn't imagine life without them. And what is really great if you need anything someone is there for you. Rick
  19. Welcome to our world.
  20. Now they need to be Diamond Cut
  21. Kevin, Glad I could give you a laugh Rick
  22. Well my most memorable one may not have been the most joyous but I will never forget it. It was 1972 and was my senior year in high school and I had just been named Christmas Dance King. We all sat at a table with 4 people and the tables were all decorated up very nice for Christmas. I sat back down with my date after being Introduced . We were beside a very tall and pretty Christmas tree. All the table had these Christmas candles burning and I noticed the table next to us candle had gone out. Being the gentleman that I am I decided to light it for them. I didn't smoke so I lit a piece of napkin and stood up to light their candle and as I approached the table one of the young ladies raised her arm to motion for someone. When she did she hit my arm and the lit napkin was knocked out of my hand. It fell down the back of her low cut dress and being the gentleman I was without thinking I reached down her dress to try and put the napkin out. Well needless to say this startled her and she tried to stand up. The chain reaction that followed was.....well very memorable. When she stood up with my hand down the back of her dress it caused me to fall backwards into this 10 foot Christmas tree knocking it over and sent me to the floor. As I fell the Christmas tree caught fire from the candles on the 3 or 4 table it fell on. And if this wasn't enough the bottle of Southern Comfort I had in my suite coat pocket came flying out only to break all over the floor. This is a Christmas I will NEVER forgot
  23. A good shop can fix that and you will never see it. I had a bug tear in the sun deck on my boat fixed and I could never find it after that and it only cost me $65
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