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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. Remember registration forms are up so let's get registered for the Rally. Also don't forget to male reservations at the Lodge or campgrounds if you plan to attend,.
  2. OK let's buy some trailer raffle tickets. Help your Rally committee out with finances and purchase a ticket or three. it's for a good cause and I have seen you all open your wallet many times before to help out so what do you say. Just 1 ticket is all you need to win and it you win and don't want it I am sure someone on the board will be more than happy to take it off your hands.
  3. a Try covering it with another boot then wrap electrical tape around the mike till you have a whole the size of a dime. That is what I did with my wife's and it helped
  4. I didn't see anywhere that it said it worked for CB Radios.
  5. If you decide to not buy the venture based on the whine you will be making a mistake even though some hate the whine and it bothers them read what most had to say about buying another one when the time comes. To me that is the best testament about the bike. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=75842
  6. Did you call Lewis "Simple":stickpoke:
  7. Please try and register as soon as possible. Thank You very much.
  8. Not something I plan to try any time soon.
  9. OK Gary I want number to be 127 then set the app to pick an number between 126 and 128 Thank You.
  10. The registration forms with cost and such will be posted in the next couple of days.
  11. The rides we put together will go everyday this way everyone can go on each ride. We will have sign up Sunday night and we would like to keep each ride to 25 bikes or so. On Sunday night if we get say 47 bikes sign up to go to the Museum/JP cyles ride we would then tell the first 25 your ride leaves on Monday at 9:00 am and then the next 22 that there ride would leave on Tuesday at 9:00 am. Then the 22 that didn't get to go Monday would sign up for a different ride on Monday. Does this make sense?
  12. Additional Info We are here to help you have a great time. Please do not hesitate to ask questions. We will also set up rides/plans for the River Cruise and Balloon rides if there is enough interest. Also the Lodge has 2 restaurants, Bar, Pool, Pool table/game room Sauna, Jacuzzi, Alpine slide, Miniature golf, Disc Golf, Horse Shoes, Volleyball and gift shop. I am working out the details so the campers can also enjoy all the facilities of the lodge. Thank You Your 2013 Rally Committee
  13. 2013 Venturerider.org International Rally The Venture To Galena July 28th, 2013 -- August 1, 2013 Sunday July 28th: Registration 2:00 pm til 7:00 PM there will be a food cart in parking lot to purchase sandwiches/drinks while checking in and unloading. 8:00 PM Informational meeting/Ride sign-up and meet and greet. Please try to attend if possible There will be last minute sign up at 8:00 AM each morning for rides that are not full Monday July 29th 8:30 am Meet with Your Ride Captains 9:00 am-9:30 am Rides Leave Return times vary by ride 8:00 pm Social Gathering with Bon Fire and Cold Beverages. Tuesday July 30th 8:30 am Meet with Your Ride Captains 9:00 am-9:30 am Rides Leave Return times vary by ride 7:00 pm Shine & Show Bike Show With trophies for each class Wednesday July 31st 8:30 am Meet with Your Ride Captains 9:00 am-9:30 am Rides Leave Return times vary by ride 6:30 pm Banquet Meal Trailer Drawing/Door Prizes/raffles/games Thursday August 1st Check out By Noon There will also be a ride set up for those who are staying over on Thursday (if there is interest) Guided Rides are planned for following sights (subject to change depending on interest) Anamosa Iowa Motorcycle Museum http://www.nationalmcmuseum.org/ JP Cycles Anamosa Iowa http://www.jpcycles.com/metric-cruiser-parts American Pickers Le Claire Iowa http://Http://antiquearchaeology.com/antique_arhaeology_leclaire_ia.html Grotto Dickeyville, Wi http://dickeyvillegrotto.com/index.htmown BallTown Iowa http://www.breitbachscountrydining.com/scenery.html Cassville Ferry: http://www.howderfamily.com/travel/wisconsin/cassville_ferry.html Poopy"s Savanna, Il http://poopys.com/ Lots of Great scenery and Great Roads Included in Rides Self Guided Tours and Rides: Galena, Illinois http://galena.org/ Winery Tours: http://galena.org/wineries/ Hot Air Balloon Rides http://www.buyaballoonride.com/index.html Alice T Water Park http://www.trekaroo.com/activities/alice-t-virtue-memorial-pool-and-water-park-galena-illinoisolley Galena Trolley Tours http://galenatrolleys.com/ Horseback Riding http://www.shenandoahridingcenter.com/ Thing To Do In Dubuque, Iowa Scenic River Cruise http://www.dubuqueriverrides.com/ Watr Park http://www.grandharborresort.com/ Fenelon Elavator http://www.dbq.com/fenplco/info.html Casinos Diamond Jo http://w:ww.diamondjodubuque.com/ Mystique http://www.mystiquedbq.com/ Crystal Lake Cave http://www.crystallakecave.com/tours.html Wisconsin House On The Rock http://www.thehouseontherock.com/ New Diggings General Store http://newdiggs.com/ Lodging Chestnut Mountain Resort 700 W Chestnut Rd, Galena · (815) 777-1320 when registering tell them you re part of Venture Riders Rally Rates $59 & $69 per room, Suites $129, Bunkhouse $40 https://www.chestnutmtn.com/activities_skiing.cfm Camping is about 4 miles away at Blanding Landing http://www.recreation.gov/campgroundDetails.do?contractCode=NRSO&parkId=73084 Backup Hotel: Grant Hills Motel 9327 US Hwy 20 West Galena, Illinois 877-421-0924 http://www.granthills.com/ Rates are: 1 Queen Bed $69, 2 Queen Beds, $79, 3 Queen Beds $89 For those trying to fill in States Traveled maps you will have the chance to be in Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin. If you want Minnesota that will be on your own and it is 125 miles one way.
  14. Why would we out run you?
  15. From what people tell me After riding the Venture you would be very unhappy with the Kawasaki.
  16. Alpine run Chestnut Mountain: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTnedLSYGDk]Chestnut Mountain Resort Galena IL Alpine Slide - YouTube[/ame] Galena: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piCuAAXn2yM]Shopping & Things to Do in Galena, IL - YouTube[/ame] Balloon Rides In Galena: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXh6kUyDf5g&list=PL81A1FF225FFFCF77]Balloon Ride video #3 - YouTube[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTkohWJWOPU&list=PL81A1FF225FFFCF77]Balloon Ride 6500 ft. up (video #5) - YouTube[/ame] Some scenic rides/views [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIOmVeJVc-8]Scary Bridge, Savanna Il. - YouTube[/ame] Just added these for your enjoyment and to see what we will offer at the 2013 Rally In Galena Illinois
  17. Some More Pics #1 $69 Room #2 $59 Room #3 $49 Bunkhouse #4 Dinning area #5 Bar #6 More Dinning area #7 Outside Dinning #8 Road to Chestnut Mountain #9 Sign
  18. There will be an announcement for the planned activities and information and schedules for the 2013 rally on Friday March 1st 2013. here are a few pictures for you enjoyement Picture #1 is of Bath House at Campground #2 Campground #3 Downtown Galena #4 View From were we will have Meet and Greet and Bonfire #5 Back of Lodge Everyone please try and attend.
  19. Our rides we have planned will get you in Iowa and Wisconsin
  20. Just curious Why 21 and not 18
  21. Just come to the rally and then you can vote........ You to 99 Silver
  22. I would like to ask that if you are not planning to attend the rally could you refrain form voting please. This is for the committee to determine how many rides and the lengths we need.
  23. I just helped solodad put a set on his rstd and what little bit he has been able to ride he likes them so far
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