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Rick Haywood

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Everything posted by Rick Haywood

  1. We will have a ride that will follow almost the same route you are riding
  2. Here is what is happening. First let me tell you what went on. I put in a new ignition switch and also put in a relay for the lights. I was having a problem with the throttle not wanting to return to Idle position so I had the clam shell apart cleaning and adjusting everything. Got everything fixed and the bike was running fine. Yesterday I noticed every time I stopped and hit the kill switch the audio system went off for a second or two and then came back on. (it shouldn't do this) I also noticed that the trip odometers went back to zero and the clock went to 12:00. After starting the bike again the audio system would stop for a second them come back on and it would do this a couple of times til you got rolling. I must mention that other than this the bike ran great. Well I stopped at the store and parked up front and when I hit the kill switch everything quite working, lights, audio system, everything. Not lights, no dash lights no nothing. I checked the fuses and found the Ignition fuse blown. I changed it out and ta da everything worked til I went to hit the starter button. It wouldn't do anything. It acted like the kill switch was still on. I checked, it wasn't. I have the bike apart and checked the ignition switch and it is good, checked all fuses, Good. Looking for suggestions and was wondering if anyone has had a kill switch go bad and if so can you bypass it or do anything to get the bike to run till you replace it. forgot to add it is a 2000 RSV
  3. There is a guy on this site that sells a plug and play for the venture for the trailer wiring, For the life of me I can't think of his name. I am sure someone on here will help refresh my memory.
  4. Install it yourself. It is one of the easiest things you can do. It will take you about 30/45 minutes to do it. I am talking on a RSV.
  5. Looks Nice Kevin:thumbsup2:
  6. He was never Normal
  7. I don't want to start anything but so far the info given is sort of correct and sort of false
  8. Yes you do:thumbsup2:
  9. THE STUTTERING KITTEN FROM THE MOUTH OF A CHILD... A teacher is explaining biology to her third grade students. She says, "Human beings are the only animals that stutter." A little girl raises her hand, saying, "I had a kitty cat who stuttered." The teacher, knowing how precious some of these stories could become, asked the girl to describe the incident. "Well,'' she began, "I was in the back yard with my kitty and the Rottweiler that lives next door got a running start and before we knew it, he jumped over the fence into our yard!"The teacher exclaimed, "That must've been scary," The little girl said, "It sure was. My kitty raised her back, went 'Sssss, Sssss, Sssss' and before she could say '****,' the Rottweiler ate her!" The teacher had to leave the room.
  10. Dan I tried to get some 1st gens but just seems they didn't want to be in the pics.
  11. This is a picture video I put together staring all of you.
  12. WOW you got a pool? I'll:thumbsup2: be down when we get moved to Lakeland.
  13. wouldn't be without it, I mounted the antenna inside thew fairing I also ran a Y for the aux jack inside the faring also to hook the radio to,
  14. Top of windshield to the top of the dash on a 2nd gen Venture
  15. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that:
  16. Stevte .........you aren't excited yet are you.
  17. Horse fly in the bottom of Diet rite Cola bottle after drinking it:(
  18. This is what makes this sight the best, all the support from all the members. Your 2013 Rally Committee Thanks You:dancefool:
  19. OK Brian, you have gotten more than 12 dollars worth of info already so come on and pony up the money and become a "real" member instead of a "trail" member
  20. Great price you'd better grab it.
  21. Do people really have trouble with their bikes due to ethanol gas? What are the sysmptoms if they do? Not trying to be a smart A**. I have 90,000 plus miles on my 2000 MM and I have never had the carbs off and it runs as good as it did when I bought it 2 1/2 years ago with 17,000 miles. I change the plugs every 8-10 thousand miles, I put in 4 oz's of Seafoam in the tank every time I change oil and keep clean air filters. I also Sync the carbs when I change plugs.
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